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Vanitha, Vanitha, Vanitha, Vanitha, Vanitha, Vanitha, Vanitha, Vanitha.

She was everywhere. In my sight, In my house, In my dreams, In my nightmare, In my conscious, In my subconscious...

Most of the time, she is more than an illusion. I see her move, cry, scream, talk, look me in the eyes... 

She asks too many questions, some I don't know how to answer.

That night, in her pack. I was hunting a bear next to their territory when I caught her scent. I couldn't ignore it, so I followed absent-mindedly. Suddenly, I was being attacked.

The next I know, I was in a cell, waking up to the most gentle touch I ever received.

 She was patting my head. No one ever did that, never. 

Deimos liked her, she is kind to it, despite what it is.

Is she really my mate? I told her no, only because I'm convinced a monster such as me does not have a soul to earn a soulmate. As well, I said that to protect her from doctor Lara, she enjoys new toys and I had to keep her away from my Vanitha.

I snapped out, suddenly aware of my surrounding. It happened sometimes -ever since he started experimenting on me- I get lost in my own mind, sucked into endless darkness.

Elon and Ethan's voices reached from somewhere upstairs. I went up to find Vanitha.

They were already in defense when I entered the room, I did not give them much attention until one of them spoke.

"She left." 

"To where?" it wasn't me who asked, Deimos surfaced.

"Maybe back to her pack, speaking of which, we heard about the warrior. It's been so long since you did that" He did not sound mocking until his last sentence "You're so  good at ripping people open."

"I did not do that!" I growled, now fighting for control with Deimos, it wanted to find Vanitha, and I wanted to make this man take his words back.

Deimos won, in the heat of the moment it snapped at the two, only seeing red.

𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐀 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄Where stories live. Discover now