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I held my bag on my shoulders and made my way out. Part of me waited for Deimos to stop me, or at least try to. But he was still on the couch, with no care in the world.

My heart ached and stabs of pain dug into my stomach. I tore my eyes from him and walked to the garden.

The gate made no sound closing behind me, I tugged my head under the hood and took a random direction. It was an uninhibited area, I had to walk for half an hour before I reached a bus station. I heaved my hand inside my bag and my cursing was uncontrollable when I couldn't find the money, it was all gone.

I marched back, cursing the rogues and also cursing myself for not being more careful.

The gate didn't open, I supposed my face wasn't rogue enough for the camera.

I kicked it with all the strength I had.

At that same moment, two familiar cars pulled over. A bunch of rogues came out. They stretched, the sounds of their joints cracking.

"Why are you glaring at us, sweetheart?" one of them asked, putting a hand in his side pocket and passing the other on his sleek gelled hair.

He had the looks of a model, one of those we see in human commercials. He wore a forest green suit matching his eyes, his muscles like any other werewolf can be detected from the movement of his arm. On any other male, I'd say the suit was hideous but it suited him perfectly. He was eye-catching, and he knew it well with that cooky smile.

I did not answer, my attention was on to the Limo driver,  he opened the door for doctor Lara.

She took off her heels and tugged them under her seat, then she threw a pair of sandals on the ground wearing them as she came out.

"I don't seem as much flattering  when it comes to dirt and heels." She explained. Her minions followed behind in silence.

"What are you doing out here alone?" she asked while she signaled for the camera. I didn't have the chance to answer, because as soon as the gate opened the smell of blood and sounds of growling and fighting reached us.

It wouldn't reach her human senses, but it sure did to the other rogues, they too run towards the house.

I slammed the door open; Malcom was saying something I didn't pay attention to as I took in the scene.

Deimos was in his Lycan, blood, and fur in his mouth. His fresh wound on his back paw was open, Elon and Ethan were too shifted, I saw a little dry blood on Ethan's nail and my wolf took complete control.

My clothes ripped as I launched on him, before he realized it his neck was between my jaws.

Elon's eyes trembled between me and Deimos, not sure if he should help his hopeless friend or watch his back for the Lycan.

I tasted blood as my canines broke the frail skin of Ethan's neck. He whimpered in pain and curled his ears down. I wasn't sure if a submission is what I wanted but it was enough for my wolf to calm down bfor a second and allow me to take control.

I pushed him toward his friend and backed up to my mate, growling at them.

I caught with the side of my eye Doctor Lara coming inside followed by the driver. The other rogues were standing by the door ready to shift if the fight reached them.

"Welcome home Lara," The IR said, and for a moment I doubted his intelligence.

A bright smile crossed her lips and I noticed for the first time that she had dimples "Malcom," she said with relief then glanced at us "home sweet home."

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