Chapter 1

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So let's start with names. My name is Axelle Knight. Today was the first day of sophomore year. Which is always exciting and you can bet your cute ass it was. 

I got the privilege of seeing the most beautiful girl in the world, Haylee. She's such an angel. She was in three of my classes today. So I guess I get to see her a lot this year. The best part she sits in front of me.


Anyway, I'm off to work. I work at a small coffee shop called Lovely Cup. Which is true, their cups are lovely.

I got into my small silver car. She took me everywhere, very reliable if you ask me. 

When I arrived I saw a huge line inside.

"God fuck, I don't want to go in there", said a little voice behind me.

"Hey, Lucy", I said agreeing.

"Hi, Axe. Dude why is there such a huge line", she asked.

"Fuck if I know", I said confused.

"Well then fuck it, let's go in"

Lucy is my best friend since I moved here in the middle of 6th grade. She is the best, she's been there for me and I've been there for her. We are inseparable.

We entered and saw a group of people standing around this tall-ass dude.

"Whose that", I asked curiously.

"Oh that dude, he's, I think, that Jackson dude. he just moved here. He's in our first-period English.", Lucy explained.


"Bro, you don't remember? Ugh, you were too busy staring at Haylee-"

"Can you blame me?", I quickly said

"No- but- no. But he introduced himself to the class. He's supposedly the son of the world-leading tech company, Violet Corp.", she explained.

"Well that's good for him, I guess",  I said not impressed with him. I mean he's not the one that built the success, He's just the son of the person who did.

We walked past the group of people, but not before I got a good look at him. He had black tousled hair, and such a handsome pretty face that could make anyone melt if you'd stare for more than a second.

He had this look to him though like he wanted to leave. Then I looked at his eyes, which were staring right at me. Fuck, what do I do? I couldn't look away, his eyes were entrancing. 

"Lucy I just made eye contact with him let's walk faster"

"Shit dude", we rushed to the back trying not to look weird.


"Axelle, you're on cashier today", said my manager Chris

"Got it", I said as I walked to the cashier

"I can help you over here", I exclaimed without looking who was going to be my first customer today.

"Hi what can I get you?", I raised my head.

"Hi, you're Axelle right?", she said

"Oh, yes, you're Haylee, right?", like I didn't know

"That's me, I saw you in first-period English, you sit behind me"

"Uh- yeah. I do. Um, so what would you like to order?"

"Oh yeah, could I have a Peach green tea"

"Yes, will that be all"

"Oh can I have a piece of the dark chocolate cake"

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