Chapter 5

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As I got into class, I walked to my seat and took a deep breath. I need to get my car back. Ugh, can't believe Luc just told Jax I have a crush on Haylee. But that's ok, not a big deal. What the heck did he mean by "good".

"Hey, you're from the bakery, right?, " someone said as I was lost in thought.

I turned to look at them and met eyes with Haylee.

"Uh yeah, hey! You're Haylee, right?, " I said.

Again, dude, why are you acting like you don't know who she is?

"Yup, that's me. I guess we do have first period together." She says, smiling at me. Wow, what a pretty smile, and it's directed at me. Ugh, I'm so lucky, and I get to see her three times a day. Can things get any better?

"Finally caught up to you, darling," some annoying voice said.

Freaking Jax. He just had to show up right when I was having a conversation with her.

I turn to look at him and scowl.

"Oh, you're new, right? Hi, I'm Haylee!" Haylee said, also turning to look at him.

"Hey, Jackson Stone," he said, not once looking at her.

"So how're you liking Barbrous High?, " Haylee asked, trying to get his attention.

Jax ignores her.

"Told you you're stuck with me, Elle, " he said while taking his seat next to me.

Haylee tries to talk to him again, "Hey, if you need anyone to show you around, I'll happily show you."

Jax drapes his arm around my shoulder, "Nah, I've got my tour guide riiight here, " he says as he turns his head to face me.

I mouth to him, "You're a piece of shit." Which makes him chuckle. The fuck is wrong with him.

"Sorry, darling, did you say something?" he says, smirking.

I hate him.

"No, " I deadpan.

"Sorry, what was that?, " he says as he bites a smile back.

I hate Him.

I glare at him, "I didn't say anything, " I grit out.

He smiles wider. Then, he turns to look at Haylee, "Sorry, did you say something?"

Haylee blushes. She fucking blushes.

"Uh, yeah, I was just asking if you wanted me to show you around. Axelle is great and all, but she doesn't know the school as well as me. I'm our years class president, you know. So I know all the right places in this school, if you know what I mean, " she said as she leaned over to Jax.

Um, what was going on right now.

She leaned closer, "If you want, I can't show you," she said as she reached to touch Jax's arm, looking up and down at him with hooded eyes.

Seriously what is going on. Wait no, no way is she hitting on Jax right now?

Jax pulls his arm away from her.

"Like I said, I have my tour guide right here, " he says as he stares her down.

I think I'm gonna puke.

Haylee looks at me and then back at Jax.

"Okay, but just know if you ever need anything, I'm here for you, " she says  looking at him up and down once again and turns to face the front of the class.

"Sure thing, class president, " he says bluntly.

I'm definitely gonna puke. He just had to get in my business, had to come up and talk to me. Damn him and his attractiveness., able to catch the attention of any girl he wants, I hate it.

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