all of akademi. (1)

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this seems vague, but trust me.

its also going to be long

unofficial school events.

schoolwide games completely planned out by an unknown group of students, their most commonly played one being a game called "predator and prey".

one person is the predator, or the fox, and their job is to hunt a specific student and grip their shoulder to win the game.

they used to have you tag people, but there was an incident where someone (shima) accidentally pushed another person (mantaro) down the stairs because they were being chased.

that was how they met, theyre best friends now

another person is the prey, or the rabbit, and they are intentionally not told the game is happening so they dont suspect the fox when they approach them.

when the prey was hazu, and the predator was daku, he didnt even need to know about the game to start running once approached.

and everyone else is a hunter, who try to prevent the predator from catching the prey by either stalling until the end of the day, or by eliminating them in the way the predator does to the prey.

one of the most memorable games of predator and prey was the one where kyuji was the predator. nobody had ever seen him do such incredible parkour until that day

he nearly dived off the rooftop just to get out of a chase, and he would have gone through with it if they didnt catch him beforehand

speaking of which, these games get extremely intense and often emotional

its crazy over there

the whole first row of class 3-1 has this weird alliance going on.

if you dont know who those people are, its kenko, shozo, chojo, borupen, and gita.

the alliance in particular is just this weird oath theyve silently sworn to to make everyones life at school a living hell.

kenko keeps being a dick about his "morally superior lifestyle" and gets all dramatic when he sees people not doing the same

shozo listens to the most annoying, ugly sounding songs at full volume with no earbuds and cant hear the teacher telling him to put his phone away so its just playing for the whole day. he defends the music as well saying "its postmodern art, you wouldnt understaaaaand"

chojo intentionally keeps asking the teacher useless questions nobody cares about to hold up time like a selfish asshole, and likes to scream about the work really loudly because he doesnt understand it. MAYBE BECAUSE YOU DONT LET THE TEACHER FUCKING TEACH

borupen just constantly corrects anything and anyone, you dare spell a word wrong around them and they will HUMILIATE you. even if youre right, theyll still disagree and try to debate with you on it

gita legit just complains about everything, overshares information to anyone in close proximity to her, and keeps trying to milk secrets out of people because she likes gossip jsbshsdhs

and yes these are inspired by some classmates ive had in the past

theyve earned a reputation for it—a very bad one at that—yet they still somehow take pride in their label

row 2 hates them the most (sho, horo, hojiro, himari), having to be the closest witnesses to their shenanigans

there is, in fact, an entire website hosting fanfiction of the students.

everyone thinks that efude made it, but shes proved multiple times that its not her and she, directly quoting her, "has sworn to keep all rpf works private".

one of the other major suspects is midori, but people have seen her write before, and she just has utterly atrocious spelling.

despite all the finger-pointing, nobody truly knows whos doing this or why, but what they do know is that whoever it is, they are a student.

and they are still updating and creating those fanfictions to this day.

who is "informativv"? how did they get some of these details about the students to write all of this? when will they stop?

no one knows.

except for info-chan, but its not her.

its kuu dere

the sports club, the drama club, and the occult club all don't like each other.

they all go into the gym every day, and those 15 minutes are the most tense 15 minutes youll ever witness.

nonstop roasting and trash talking, supana actually got into a physical fight with hojiro and tokuko where she straight up tossed kokuma at them

oka heavily disproves of the whole ordeal, but she still catches shin shit-talking the other dudes

mai and midori have a podcast.

they basically just goof around and bring one random student as their special guest for the episode

most of the school knows about it, and less people listen to it after school, but everyone knows about episode 89, the one with unagi giving advice on dating women

he became hugely infamous because of how bad said advice was. he knows nothing about women

kenko once actually tried to take his advice and managed to become the first person to get pepper sprayed by kuroko for simply being annoying

nobody knows what zametoras first name is.

this is mainly my excuse to not write his name as itachi but

he never lets anyone call him by his first name. everyone calls him zametora, half because thats all he introduces himself as, half because theyre too scared to ask about it

some are even convinced his PARENTS call him zametora.

others believe that his full name is zametora zametora and hes actually very comfortable with people calling him by his first name.

his name is just zametora in official files, too


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