waking nightmare (hayanari & hokuto)

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"if you're here, ghosts can't get me."

summary: hayanari has sleep deprived psychosis.

Hayanari always struggled to sleep at night.

He would toss and turn in bed, never able to find the right position, and couldn't seem to close his eyes for very long before a burst of energy came along and forced them open again.

It was safe to say he didn't get very much rest. However, with sleep deprivation comes shitty side effects. Hayanari learned this the hard way.

Because he could never sleep, sometimes Hayanari walked around his house to try and wear himself out. He initially thinks it's a good idea before he feels someone watching him in the shadows, or hears faint movement in his surroundings.

What makes it worse is that Hayanari fully believes in ghosts.

No matter how many times he reassures himself he's just hallucinating, the fear that strikes through him every time he looks around to find the disturbance is always going to be extremely real.

Hayanari would start panicking and rush as quickly as he can back into his room, jump into his bed, and cover himself underneath his blanket and try to calm himself down as his heart beats faster than a cheetah can run.

Hayanari also followed the belief that it's not places that are haunted; it's people. So whenever he goes to sleep at Umeji's house, coming into contact with spirits that haunt him is the last thing he wants.

Typically, the whole gang would be over, but this time it was just Hayanari. He had gotten into an argument with his parents and preferred to not sleep there that night. He often forgot that Hokuto lived with Umeji, and was rather surprised when it was just him and the former out in the living room that night with the latter staying in his bedroom.

Tonight, Hayanari couldn't sleep for one reason; He was thirsty.

After learning the hard way again, he knew that it wasn't good to sleep when your throat was dry. It just let it dry out more and it would hurt like hell in the morning.

Ignoring every prior experience he has ever had, Hayanari got up to get water.

The living room was a bit far from the kitchen. You had to go through the door, into the hallway, walk further down said hallway, and then you'd be there.

There were two doors into the kitchen. The one Hayanari had not traversed down was where the bathroom and a small office was.

Flicking on the light switch in the kitchen, Hayanari carefully made his way over to the cupboard and got a glass. He ran the tap and filled the glass with water before taking a quick sip and turning the sink off.

As he went to leave the kitchen, he was filled with a familiar feeling.

Something was there.

In the dark hallway, the one he had not come from.

Something lingered in that office, and it was staring right at him. It was going to get him. Something bad was going to happen to him.

Hayanari took a sharp breath in before speedily walking back the way he came, trying his hardest to ignore the feeling. He didn't dare look back in fear that whatever he thought was happening was real.

Eventually, he had made it back to the living room. He set the glass down on the floor beside the mattress he laid on, and cowered under the blanket as he usually does.

Something about him being on the floor didn't relieve him. Hayanari still felt vulnerable. He felt like whatever that thing was could still easily get him from here.

He didn't want to remain on the floor, but he couldn't bring himself to leave the confines of the blanket. Hayanari squeezed his eyes shut, trying to distract himself from his current situation, and found himself listening closely to Hokuto's breathing.

Hokuto, Hayanari thought. Hokuto is here.

He rolled over and peeked out from the blanket to see Hokuto lying on the couch, fast asleep. Hayanari contemplated waking him up, but he still felt too afraid to properly operate on his own.

"Hokuto," Hayanari whispered.

A few silent moments passed.

"Hokuto." He tried again.

It was still quiet.

"Hokuto." Hayanari spoke slightly louder this time.

Again, quiet. This time, Hayanari felt like he was being watched again and instinctively hurried to shake Hokuto awake.

"Hokuto! Hokuto!" He whisper-yelled.

Hokuto gasped, sitting up and looking around. "Wha!? Who's there!?"

"Hokuto, I'm scared."

Hokuto rubbed his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I- I think I saw a ghost."

"Ghost? Seriously?"

"Well, I didn't see it, but I could tell it was there, and, okay, I'm not even fully sure if there really was a ghost, but there may or may not be a ghost and I'm still scared and-"

"Woah, slow down! What the hell are you talking about?"

"If you're here, ghosts can't get me." Hayanari seriously stated.

Hokuto blinked. "Huh?"

"I just... I don't feel safe sometimes. I feel like there's something coming to get me, and if you're here, it'll be too scared or something. You'll scare it off." Hayanari mumbled, resting his chin on the bit of the couch cushion Hokuto wasn't on.

Hokuto raised an eyebrow, smiling in mildly amused confusion. "Why would I scare a ghost off? They're fucking ghosts, man."

"...I don't know. You just make me feel safe." Hayanari replied.

Hokuto's expression softened. "Really?"

"Yeah. Can you please just stay with me until I feel safe again?"

"Of course. C'mon," Hokuto moved to make room for Hayanari on the couch.

Hayanari carefully climbed up, not letting go of the blanket. He sat next to Hokuto, who wrapped his arms around him.

"You're always safe with me." Hokuto spoke softly.

Hayanari stared at the doorway, which led to the dark and menacing hallway. He would usually be shaking in terror, anticipating a scary demon to jump out and charge at him, but he didn't feel like that anymore.

When Hokuto said that, Hayanari felt that it was true.

He was safe.

( a/n: they <3 /p

also this is me self projecting because i too experience hallucinations thanks to my sleep deprivation. hayanari is def the type to also not sleep so yepyep

the delinquents need more oneshots of them just simply being bros!!!!!!!! )

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