i ain't got my eye on you. (hoshiko x hojiro?)

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"i might be pretty, but i'm not stupid. i would've thought you of all people would know that."

summary: hoshiko has a bit of a thing for hojiro, but she has to be subtle about it.

Hoshiko and Hojiro weren't close.

She dated his best friend, Unagi, and sometimes they talked. They got along, but they weren't close.

Hoshiko was no fool, though. She wasn't new to the world of teenage boys. She could tell that even if she was decidedly "Unagi's girl", that didn't stop Hojiro from being totally head over heels for her.

She had to admit, the feeling was a little bit mutual. She wouldn't leave Unagi for his friend, but if she was given the opportunity, she'd definitely take it.

That said, Hoshiko was always searching for opportunities. Her biggest window at the moment was pointing out how often she caught Hojiro staring at her, to which he would deny profusely with a flustered expression.

She knew he never wanted to admit it because this always happened right in front of Unagi, and flirting with your friend's girlfriend is a direct violation of the "bro code". But whatever. Hoshiko could care less about Unagi.

At this point, her eyes were on Hojiro just as often as his were on her.

They got plenty of chances to stare. Hoshiko visited Unagi at the pool every day after school to have a little bit of conversation and have him walk her home.

This time, she wanted to have a conversation that was a bit less self centric.

"Unagi," She spoke in a sad voice. "Am I your type?"

"Huh? Oh- yeah, of course, babe! Totally!" Unagi replied, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, which she instantly pushed off.

"You're wet and this sweater is new." She grumbled.

Hojiro, who was standing next to Unagi, piped up. "Really? You were just telling me you liked girls with dark hair and huge breasts, neither of which she has."

Unagi flashed a glare at Hojiro. "Hey! I love her just the way she is!"

Hoshiko's lips curled into a smirk. "Mmh? What's your type, Zameshiro?"

Hojiro's eyes widened. "Uh- why do you wanna know?"

"Just 'cause. We're friends, right?"

"We are...?"

Hoshiko giggled.

He's crushing on me so hard. It's cute.

Hojiro kept glancing back and forth between Unagi and Hoshiko nervously, which to Hoshiko meant that he was worried about offending his friend again. She was his type, obviously. But he could never admit that.

Unagi, cutting through the string of tension, spoke up loudly and confidently. "Hojiro said he likes girls with short hair. And girls with similar hobbies to him!"

Hoshiko's eyebrow raised in interest. "Really?"

The following day, Hoshiko arrived at the pool with a new haircut. She'd cut it short, almost into a bob.

Unagi's jaw dropped at the sight of her.

"Babe! Your hair!" He spoke excitedly, running his hands through Hoshiko's hair.

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