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Yeosang decided that it was simple curiosity that made him approach you at the bar three days later.

It had been days now that he'd been trying to find the trace, find any sort of leads, any clue, but somehow, at the end of the road, he'd always find (or see) you, whether he wanted to or not. What had started as simply spotting you by chance once had turned into a series now.

Maybe you were the person he'd been trying to find, was what he told himself. But if Yeosang was honest with himself, he was... intrigued. Something about you seemed different, and it wasn't because he was interacting with a human properly for the first time in quite a while. It certainly wasn't your devilish tendencies either. Something about your aura screamed different to him, and now that he'd stalked/observed you for a while, he didn't know why he was in front of you, even when you seemed to not be the one who held the trace- whatever that damned trace was.

Yeosang nodded at himself as he decided that he had finally gone insane after waiting two centuries to move on and finding his path blocked because of a petty reason, which was why he slid so casually next to you, test the waters, and if he was lucky, you could turn out to be the one who held the trace all along.

What he didn't expect was the smirk plastered on your face as you turned to him and scanned him.

You couldn't hold it in, the grin, as you said, "Here to drink down your sorrows?"

"You could say that," Yeosang sighed, taking a little sip from his drink, "What about you? Here to break another heart?"

"Me? Nope, I'm trying to be a good girl now," you smiled, clicking glasses with him as he noticed your still bandaged fingers- now with some cartoon band-aids. He narrowed his eyes at you.

"Is the world finally ending?" Yeosang wondered out loud.

"You'd know better about that, wouldn't you?" You raised a brow, smirking at the obvious confusion on his face as he tried to read behind that statement. You decided to continue, "I don't intend to break hearts, you should know. Aren't humans so... weak? You give them some of your time and attention and they think they have your heart. Can't help but break it then."

"You're right," Yeosang sighed, "Humans really are weak."

"Right," you played with your glass, "Which makes me think if I'll ever be able to not break a heart. If there will be someone who would break my heart instead."

"And why would you want that?" Yeosang was curious.

"That ought to put me in my place, right?" You locked eyes with him, "Who am I to go around breaking hearts?"

"That's... true," Yeosang admitted, the two of you sharing a laugh.

"You know," you leaned towards him, "Sometimes I think I know you. Like I've seen you more times than I remember."

"Ah," Yeosang could play this game, and he leaned forward, "Probably been dreaming about me?"

However, he realized with dread that he was right as your eyes flashed, and you grinned shamelessly. "Now how would you know that, Kang Yeosang?"

The way Yeosang's ears went red had you grinning widely, and you patted his arm, "You can't play this game with me, Yeosang. I always win."

"You know what," Yeosang took your hand, putting it away, "I think I'd take that as a challenge."

You looked at him from underneath your curled lashes, and Yeosang felt his heart sink, because you were pretty. It wasn't your physical appearance that made you so, it was the way you acted and carried yourself. It was the confidence with which you grinned, shaking your head, as you said, "Challenge accepted."

Dazzling Light | Kang YeosangWhere stories live. Discover now