39. {feel the night}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

"your room is so peaceful." mickey grinned, throwing her bags on gioia's floor and gently climbing into her double bed.

gioia's bedroom was painted a very pale yellow colour, the room decorated with vines, flower pots and CDs - a typical teenage girl's room. posters of harry potter, taylor swift, stevie nicks, and the maze runner were littered around with smaller pictures of pretty flowers accompanying them. unsurprisingly, the girl had post-it notes of inspirational quotes around the room, but you'd only notice them if you looked closely.

the floor was completely spotless, her shoes fitted into the rack, clothes folded and her desk arranged to t. on her neatly made bed, her blue elephant and teddy bear laid down, snuggled into the yellow bedsheets.

"my room is my s-safe space." gioia explained to her, moving mickey's backpack to the corner and placing her tote bag beside it.

"that's cute. you're adorable." mickey gushed, making her blush. the girl reached into her backpack and pulled out the eponymous tragedy, othello. "so i'm thinking for the project, we make a character profile for each character."

"sounds good, don't want to overdo it." gioia agreed, sitting beside her on the bed. "for each character we can give them a colour and explain h-how it links to them. for othello we could use green since jealousy is his hamatia and-"

"jealousy is the green eyed monster!" mickey exclaimed, completely loving her plan. "you're brilliant. miss wood is going to love this."


"and you sound great, your speech has improved an insane amount."

"yeah." gioia nodded. "they think it was miguel being in a coma and the un-uncertainty of him being okay that made me shell up. but now he's okay and-and he's walking and doing some non-physical contact karate, things are looking up."

"his recovery was insane!" mickey exclaimed. "you're both so strong and brave. seeing both of you recover makes me want to be a physiotherapist even more."

"that's so cool."

"thanks, it's been a dream of mine since i was a small. my dad was one at our local hospital back in seattle." mickey continued. "do you mind if i tell him about you guys?"

"that's fu-fine with me. i'm sure mig won't mind but you should probably ask and find out."

"will do, will do." mickey hummed.

VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now