3- The Storm

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*+*The next day*+*

Madeleine can see the edge of the storm from where he is.

"Should I try to push through the storm? Espresso would be mad at me for being reckless.. But if I make it through, then he'll be extra happy!"

Madeleine's horse Snowfall whinnies, trying to turn away.

Madeleine urges Snowfall forward, "It'll be fine! The Divines watch over me! Plus, this is for Espresso."

Snowfall knows this will not end well.

They lay down.

Madeleine gasps, "Snowfall! Trust me, this is a great idea."

Snowfall shakes their head.

Madeleine huffs, dismounting and crossing his arms, "If you won't go with me, I'll just go alone. You can get back to the kingdom on your own, yes?"

Snowfall glares at him.

He scoffs, "I can't believe you have such little faith in me."

He turns and starts walking towards the storm. Snowfall bites the end of his cape and pulls him back.

He falls to the ground, "Ow! Hey! What was that for?!"

Snowfall blinks.

"Snowfall, I told you I'll be fine. What's the worst that could happen?"

Snowfall rolls their eyes, standing up. They decide that following Madeleine and making sure he doesn't die might be helpful.

Madeleine gets up and marches over to the storm, Snowfall following close behind.

*+*Back in the kingdom*+*

Espresso pauses what he's doing.

"Madeleine's doing something stupid right now, isn't he?"

Strawberry Crepe asks, "Why'd ya stop?"

"Uh- Sorry just.. A weird thought popped in my head."

"Was it about that knight again?"

Espresso stays quiet.

Strawberry Crepe laughs, "It is!"

Espresso sighs, putting the last few things away. Strawberry Crepe had asked him to organize the tools after one of the wafflebots malfunctioned and knocked everything over.

Strawberry Crepe focuses on fixing the wafflebot to prevent any future accidents.

The doors open. Strawberry Crepe grumbles, "Too many cookies keep barging in."

Espresso looks over, "Oh, it's Latte. She brought food for u-"

"FOOD?!" They find a place to safely pause maintenance before running over to Latte, "You have food?!"

Latte nods, "Espresso told me what you normally get for lunch." She pulls a box of food out of her bag, which Strawberry Crepe snatches.

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