Chapter 9

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"Go with them."

Having listened to the voice in her ear, Ria is currently in the back of the armored vehicle, one row of seats across from another along the metal interior walls, looking as tough on the inside as it does outside. In every seat, the kidnappers bob and ebb along to the bumps in the road. Unable to see their faces underneath helmets, she's sure to have their undivided attention.

The message from Nira earlier asked her to wear an earpiece in her ear just in case. It was an odd request, as she never used one while performing like most other artists do, and Nira knew this. She didn't hesitate to comply, it was easily hidden by her hair. Yet ever since the instructions to leave without a fuss, there's been literal radio silence.

Her seat is far more uncomfortable than the zip tie around her wrists, causing her to squirm as numbness starts to set in. It'll only be a matter of time until they'll have to carry her out of the vehicle once the loss of feeling travels down her leg.

"Seat too hard for you, princess?" States one goon, causing some others to chuckle.

Lifting up her wrists to show off her plastic fetters, Ria's retort is quick. "Not all of us are tough, like you." They thought her weak, but still feared her enough for such bonds. A swift jut to her middle from the end of a rifle is the reply she receives, knocking the wind out of her and replacing it with pain as she doubles over.

"Maybe we should call your momma here to teach you some manners."

Their laughter dies down at hearing the unexpected manic laugh coming from their captive as she sits up properly, recovered from the strike. "She would never come, not even if I got kidnapped."

Her assailant looks to another, clearly confused about such a statement. "Huh? Why?"

The alarming grin she gives them causes them to contemplate the terms of their agreement in taking her.

"You'll see."


Rain showers abate as guests speak with police. Indigo, still visibly shaken, stares at nothing in particular while lost in the events that occurred. Josh takes off his suit jacket and places it over her shoulders. Blinking out of her daze, Indigo pulls it closer over herself, comforted by the warmth still lingering on it, as Josh sits beside her. He's left with a white button down shirt and black slacks.

"You don't look fine." He doesn't think it helpful to ask how she is, given her current state. His hand is placed atop hers, pausing their wringing and trembling. It's then that she looks over to him, weariness in her eyes. "I wouldn't worry about Ria. Those idiots are in over their heads." He looks around, seeing armed police and catching Valja's eyes before returning his attention to Indigo. "Let's get you to your place, away from here."

Nodding, she stands with his assistance, seeing Valja come over to them once he's done talking to the officer, although the officer wasn't done with his questioning.

"Sir, we're not done-"

He pauses in his stride to turn around. Towering over the officer with his hulking frame, Valja dwarfs him severely. His voice is calm, full of command. "Yes, we are." Valja continues his path, halting the officer with little effort. "Nira hasn't been seen since a little before the performance," he states discreetly, not wanting to cause attention to other officers.

Josh looks incredulously for a moment, his features giving way to thought. "I'm taking Indigo to relax a bit." At his glance, Indigo nods in confirmation, thinking that a change in scenery is definitely needed. He signals to Louis to follow them as he leads their small group out the hall.

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