Chapter 14

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"Check again. must be broken!"

Josh looks to the eyes of the pleading mother before he turns his attention to the daughter, who seems forlorn. The black, uncut stone lined with colored jewels down its middle sits between her palms, not dissimilar to a lump of rock. After a few questions with lengthy answers that lead nowhere, they had to test for an affinity. Several times. Not one of the jewels lights up. Josh takes the stone into his own hand, showing them how bright the red jewel shines, with a faint white jewel also lighting up.

"It's not broken, Madam Trustar."

"Why does that white one light up a bit, then?"

A shrug. "No clue. It's done that since I was born." The stone is placed back into the black velvet box and stored away. "There's nothing wrong with not having an affinity," he explains, filling in some paperwork. "There's millions of others who don't have affinities who go on to create amazing things." An encouraging smile to go with his words, thinking of Indigo and her technology. "Being a Zot is not the end of the world."

They nod in understanding, with faces full of somber. He could understand why. "We can try again in a few years, if anything changes." It's rare, but any little hope they could use, he'll give. The stigma of being a Zot is heavy. Josh escorts them to the door of the huthut, thanking them for their time, and reminding them that they could always contact him if they have questions or concerns.

Looking at the time, Josh sighs. Late afternoon, and only one of the two he's supposed to interview had arrived. Missives sent to their homes were verified to have been received, so he can't understand why Madison hasn't arrived. As he leaves, locking the door behind him, four Mi Tal Nej pass by, saluting him. "Afternoon greetings, Lieutenant Commander Wanderstar," says the higher ranking officer of the group.

"Greetings, cousins. Oh, one moment." Josh steps closer to them, halting them in their patrol of the village. "Have you seen Madison Tallstar?" Their shakes of the head only make him groan in frustration. "If you see her, tell her to remain at home. I'll come for her." They nod and continue on, leaving Josh to do the same. He'll have to let his mother know Madison hasn't shown up yet.

Getting an idea to surprise Indigo, he smiles to himself and takes wide strides for his parked car beyond the gate, taking out his phone to dial a number in the process.

"Yes, good afternoon. Westvale Plaza's restaurant allows carry out orders, right?"


Arms linked together, Louis and Andira stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby on the ground floor, deep in discussion. Decked out guests mill about as they check in or out. Luggage carried around on arched, gold plated trolleys, reflected on the polished marble floors. Nothing is left without a shine.

"It's obvious that she's run off, Dira."

Andira sighs, shaking her head. Josh had called her thirty minutes ago, and since then she's constantly tried calling Madison's phone, which is off. She's even called the girl's mother, who hasn't seen her since early this morning. It's too coincidental. It's been an hour now and no word of her whereabouts.

"Fine. I'll go to the village myself and get a search organized for her." When Louis slows down his stride to a halt, she turns to him, seeing the look of contemplation. "What is it?"

"We may not need to make a search party. We may just need only one person." Louis looks to her, hoping she catches on.

It takes her a few long moments before realization hits. " can't be serious."

"Think about it. What could take days, if not weeks, can be done in a few hours if she helps."

Several times Andira opens her mouth only to close it. Cursing softly, followed by the usual chastisement, she concedes. "I both love and hate when you're right."

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