Chapter 22

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Chimes are lightly tapped as their melody leisurely travels throughout the octave scale, accompanied by shakers jostled with care, metallic bowls singing along air currents, and a gong calmly reverberating in harmony. The sounds traverse the forest space while the bride and groom arrive to their places a short walk away from the large stone doorway. Louis and Ril stand off to the side and behind Ria and Ren, who stand next to each other. Another woman dressed in a simple ayaba with silver embroidery on the hem of the sleeves comes to stand on a small podium to the side and behind the religious leaders.

"May the Creator bless you all with goodness," rumbles Bilo's voice. The woman on the podium begins her task of using sign language to translate the statement.

"For goodness comes from the Creator," is the response from the attendees to the age-old greeting. They quietly take their seats to begin. Andira to Nira's right in the front row, Valja to her left, with Josh and Indigo next to him.

"We've come together on this beautiful day to celebrate the union of Annamaria Wanderstar and Ren, of Kalor. From across the galaxy and beyond all seen and unseen barriers, they've found each other by the will of the Fashioner of Souls. We've all adorned ourselves with the color of love, the reason for our gathering today." Bilo gestures to the flower adorned doorway just behind him. "Doorways represent new paths in life. New destinations. Together, you both will step right into the door, with nothing left but to look toward your future."

Calissa continues on from where Bilo stops, her voice flowing with calm. "As the presence from both families affirms this sacred union," she takes a moment to look at both Louis and Ril, who nod with a smile in confirmation, "we need nothing more than to complete it." Calissa looks at Ria with a knowing smile. "But first, the bride will share a few words."

Ren curiously turns his attention to Ria, who faces him. His hands are taken into hers as the loving smile on Ria's face relieves him from some of the nervousness.

"I know we talked about a smaller gathering, but there's something you should be aware of. Our families are united by us, which means that all of them," her hand sweeps across those gathered, which is the entirety of the village, "are now your family as well, Ren. That's how it works with us. So the home of the F.I.R.S.T. Nation is also yours." She leans over a bit to catch Ril's attention, smiling at him as well. "You, too, Ril."

Not expecting to be included after only meeting her just a few hours ago after a prank during what Terrans call "breakfast", Ril blinks in surprise. He and Ren had decided to switch places for breakfast to see how well Ria could tell them apart. Ril already knew he didn't need to say much, despite the language barrier. Everything went according to plan.

Until Nira showed up.


With her hair set in colored foam curling rods kept together in a hair net, Nira walked into the dining area, noticing everyone in the family sitting together at the table, a full spread before them of various breakfast items.

"Morning guys. Morning, Ril."

All motion stopped as they looked at Nira in confusion. None more so than Ril himself. Ria, with a baffled look, spoke up first.

"Who's Ril?"

Nira paused in her pouring a cup of water and pointed. "Him."

All eyes turned to Ril, who could only look at Nira incredulously.

'Who is she?' He thought to himself.

Before he could even put together a response, Ria retorted. "What are you even talking about? This is Ren." She then turned to Ril. "Is she trying to haze you or something?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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