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Lincoln was in the park sitting on the top of a bench eating an apple.


The next day the police had set a curfew that citizen had to follow does to five bodies found in the park, minors 6:30, teens and adults at 8:00.


Lincoln was in class with his friends and Sindy.

Clyde: the police set a curfew.

Stella: To be honest, I don't care since school is being let out early.

Liam: So you guys up to hang out after school?

Clyde: sure.

Rusty: I'm down.

Zach: Let's do it.

Stella: Hey Lincoln are you coming.

Lincoln: I don't see why not.

Clyde: Cool, so we'll meet at the park after school.


Lincoln was about to head home before Sindy stopped him.

Sindy: hey Lincoln, can I get your number.

Lincoln: sure.


Lincoln and his friends meet at the park before deciding to go to Gus's Game and Grub.

It was the normal routine they got some food talk a bit, played some games, before going back to talking.

Lincoln noticed Stella wasn't paying attention.

Lincoln: hey Stella is there a problem?

Stella: oh sorry, those guys just keep staring at us, it's kinda creepy.

The group all turned there heads making it too obvious noticing the two guys smiling at them with one even waving at them.

Lincoln: okay, I'm officially creeped out.

Group: same.

Lincoln: we better get going.

Clyde: yeah.

Lincoln: I'll meet you guys outside, I got to use the bathroom.

Liam: you sure you don't want to wait until you get home.

Lincoln: don't worry, I'll meet you guys outside.

They all proceeded to leave while Lincoln headed to the bathroom with one of the guys following behind him.

The guy walked into the bathroom before walking towards the stalls, he checked them to see they were empty.

Lincoln: are you looking for me?

The guy turned around before Lincoln stabbed him seven times.

Lincoln: next time, matter of fact they won't be a next, too bad.

Lincoln left his mark before cleaned himself up and walked away.


Lincoln had catched up with his friends who where being bothered by the other guy.

Stella: leave us alone!

Lincoln walk up behind him and kicked him in the balls before he fell and hold his sack.

Lincoln: next time listen, are you guys okay?

Clyde: we're fine, what about you?

Lincoln: same, but we should be going we don't want the cops getting involved.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now