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Luna was texting Jenny giving her an update on Lincoln before they heard some fall before Leni's voice followed.

Lori: Leni you okay?

Leni: yeah, I just tripped on Lincoln, Lincoln!?

On hearing those words all ran outside seeing Leni sitting on the ground with Lincoln laying on the ground with what seems like a trial of blood he was covered in scars and bruises with a few serious wounds still bleeding a bit.

Luan: Lori call 911.

Lori: the closet hospital is too far just got the car key.

Lynn Sr and Rita return home to see a note on the table before rush to the hospital.


Lincoln was in a hospital bed with his left arm wrapped from his wrist to his elbow while his right wrist was wrapped with 6 smaller bandage as well with another bandage under his left eye and check with a patch on his right check along with his neck being wrap.

A nurse walked in with the rest of the loud family.

Nurse: here we are room 113.

The nurse leaves before they turned to Lincoln.

Leni: we're so glad you're okay.

Lincoln was going to say something but a doctor walked in.

Doctor: wow, theirs a lot of you, you shouldn't all be in here at once.

Lincoln: it's fine.

Doctor: so how are you feeling.....

Lincoln: Linc-oln, Lincoln.

Doctor: it's not too good but it's not too bad but it is more bad than good.

Lynn Sr: he doesn't look that bad.

The doctor motion for Lincoln to raise the top part of his hospital clothes.

Lincoln lifted it up showing different cuts, burns, bruises and different stichs.

Doctor: his been beaten with blunt objects, burned, electrocuted, cut and strangled, lost three teeth, etc, to be honest I'm surprised his still talking most kids stay quiet for months some years.

Rita: we understand, his he going be okay?

Doctor: well he hasn't eaten in a while and he did have a couple wounds that we couldn't just wrap up some we sow it.

Lynn Sr: we see.

Doctor: we might be able to let him go in a couple weeks or so, I know his been through a lot but the police still have to be notified.

Lynn Sr: we understand.

Doctor: in the meantime we should let him get some rest.

The family was heading out the room before.

Lincoln: hey, could you guys not tell anyone about me until I get back.


Lincoln was in the hospital for about a week with just police trying to see but the hospital was able to convince them to let him be for now.

The loud family were in the room as the doctor checking Lincoln's pules.

Doctor: okay pules is okay and your wounds are healing well, one more thing Mr and Mrs Loud do any of you know how to use a first aid kit?

Lynn Sr: we do along with our 5 oldest daughter and son, why?

Doctor: just a question of reason.

Lynn Sr: okay.

Doctor: with that you should be able to take him home if you want.

Rita: really.

Doctor: considering you all know how to use a first aid kit you should be able to dress his wounds and change his bandages if needed, but you have to fill out some paperwork.

Lynn Sr: no problem.


Lincoln was leaving the hospital with his doctor and nurses telling him goodbye.

Nurse 1: I can't believe you're leaving so soon.

Nurse 2: yeah it's going to be really lonely without you here Lincoln.

Nurse 3: now those night shifts are going to be long and boring with out your company.

Lincoln: sorry you three, who knows I might be back soon than you think.

Nurse 2: let's hope not.

Nurse 1: we wouldn't want anything back to happen to you.

Nurse 3: bye and remember to follow the bathing route I give you not to hurt your wounds.

Doctor: you better get going before the cops show up and start asking questions.

Lincoln: got it.

The Loud family exited the building before the doctor turned to the nurses who all look extremely sad.

Doctor: you three look like you miss him already.

All: you have no idea.

Leni: they seemed nice.

Lincoln: I guess.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now