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Later that day Lincoln was back at the end of school in a suit of armor and a white horse next to him.

Lincoln: I am sir Loud of Royal Woods and I come for lady Jenny of East high school.

Alice: hey Jenny, your white knight is here.

Lincoln: I came to escort you home.

Jenny: I know it can't get worst than this.

Lincoln: maybe it can.


Lincoln was in a cowboy outfit with a different horse.


Lincoln was in a suit with a different horse and carriage.

Lincoln: you can make this easy on both of us you know.


Lincoln was on a floating carpet.

Lincoln: I got tired of renting horses.

Jenny: fine, you win, just stop please.

Lincoln: good decision, I was going to bring a helicopter tommorow.

Jenny: no need you win, just take me home.

Lincoln: can do.


Lincoln was in Jenny's room looking around a bit.

Lincoln: nice room.

Jenny: thanks but I doubt it's better than your.

Lincoln: their nothing special about my room, but I was surprised you let me in and into your room.

Jenny: I had no choice, if I didn't you could have started bugging me here too.

Lincoln: far point, so here you go.

Jenny: all that trouble just for me to take a gift for something I told you-

Lincoln: hey you want to talk a bit.

Jenny: sure.


Both was in the room before Lincoln noticed the sound of the front door opening.

Lincoln: looks like your parents are back, so I'll be leaving for now.

Jenny: okay, bye.

Lincoln: considering all the trouble I went through, I'll do this.

Jenny: do what?

Lincoln took off his shirt throwing it on Jenny's bed before walking out the room heading downstairs.

Jenny: hey, hold it.

Lincoln arrived downstairs meeting Jenny's parents.

Lincoln: hello, good evening sir and miss, my name's Lincoln I'm a friend of Jenny's and I was just on my way out.

Jenny: Lincoln put your shirt on, it going to get cold and dad you're back.

Lincoln takes his shirt before walking out of the house.


Jenny walked into her house before noticing her parents laughing before noticing Lincoln.

Lincoln: and that's how it went.

Jenny: Lincoln?

Lincoln: you're home.

Jenny: what're you doing here.

Lincoln: I came over to see if you wanted to hang out and your parents were keeping me company, and you never told me your last name was Foster, Jenifer.

Mr.Foster: Your friend here's a real fun guy, I like him better than those other two you interested to us the other day.


Lincoln and Jenny were on a walk.

Jenny: you mind not showing up to my house without telling me first.

Lincoln: sure, and sorry about the other day.

Jenny: I'll let it slide, but can you tell me how you do what you do.

Lincoln: what I do?

Jenny: you know.

Lincoln: know what, you have to be more specific.

Jenny: the walking on thin air.

Lincoln: you mean that.

Jenny: what else could I mean.

Lincoln: I'm full of surprises, those are just special effects or you could call it a magic trick.

Jenny: is that really it, can any of your siblings do the same tricks.

Lincoln: it's the best I can explain, not so you'll understand so I don't hurt my head and could we not talk about my family.

Jenny: uh sorry.

Lincoln: it cool.

Jenny: by the way people keep asking me about you at school.

Lincoln: I might stop by so they'll stop bugging you.


Lincoln and Jenny arrived at Jenny's house.

Lincoln: here we are.

Jenny: thanks.

Lincoln: no problem, see you around, Jenifer.

Jenny: see you.

Jenny headed in as Lincoln walk away meeting her mom.

Mrs.Foster: He seems like a keeper.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now