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Lori opened the front door meeting Jenny.

Lori: hey.

Jenny: sorry to just bother you but is Lincoln home.

Lori: he went out with friends, is there a problem.

Jenny: no, I just wanted to return his jacket from yesterday.

Lori: I'll give to him when he gets back.

Jenny: thanks.


Lincoln was with his friends at the park.

Lincoln: so what're we doing?

Clyde: we were thinking you could decide.

Stella: seeing it's been a while since we hanged out.

Lincoln: sorry, I've been going through some stuff.

Clyde: it's okay dude.

Liam: so what do you want to do.

Lincoln: let's hit the movies, I'm dieing to see this new horror movie.

Zach: a horror movie, which one.

Lincoln: Sunday morning.

Clyde: dude that movies rated 18.

Rusty: and even teenager who've seen it got freaked out.

Stella: I don't think we can even get in.

Lincoln: I know someone, so are you guys in.

Clyde: we don't know about that one dude.

Lincoln: okay I'm sure there's some other movie we can see.


Lincoln and his friends had finished the movie seeing some teens who looked like they had lost their souls.

Stella: we could have ended up like them.

Lincoln: who up to heading back to my place for video games and pizza.

Clyde: sure.


Lincoln went to get the door while getting the money for the pizza ready.

Lincoln: how much.

Anna: 85 dollars and a tip would help-

She froze up on the sight of Lincoln.

Lincoln: here keep the change and here a tip.

Lincoln handed her a 1100 dollars before slowly closing.

Anna: uh thanks.

Lincoln: I'll see you around.

Anna: uh sure.

Lincoln closed the door before turning to his friends.

Lincoln: pizzas here guys.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now