Chapter 2

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Hi I'm Kurt Hummel.

I'm sitting here at the Lima Bean waiting for my best friend Rachel.

She's my little diva.

You know we became friends right on my first day at McKinley.

I moved here half a year ago when my dad married this rich business woman Carole Hudson. I really love her she's already like my real mother.

Now I'm living with her, her son Finn, Finn's half sister Emily and my dad in a very big house.

But my dad isn't there often because for his job he has to be in DC most of the time.

Anyways, Rachel and I quickly became best friends.

We have a lot in common. We both love Broadway. It's our dream! We have both big plans for our future! We'll move to New York and go to NYADA, become big Broadway stars and will be winners of several Tony's.

Just one year left! I can't wait for it to be over.

You know we aren't very popular so maybe you understand why I want school to be over already.

Rachel and I are in Glee Club and that's not one of the cool things. But we love it and we don't care what other people think or say. Even if that means to get slusheed every once a week.

And besides Glee I'm gay and that's a problem for many people.

That's why I'm so glad for Rachel my amazing boyfriend Blaine for always supporting me and cheering me up. But he goes to Dalton Academy and that sucks! So it's me and Rachel against the world at school.

Of course there is also Finn my stepbrother. But he's one of the most popular kids in school.

Most of the people don't even know that I'm his stepbrother. We don't even talk at school. But that's OK for me. I'm just another Glee loser and his brother for half a year. His popularity is more important to him.

Oh god I let him sound so stupid! No, he's actually a really great guy who really loves and cares about his family, well his real family. And he really deserves to be treaten right. He went through a lot in his life....well as you can see I really love to talk. Another thing Rachel and I have in common.

Speaking of my diva, there she is...I have to go.


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