The Trials Arc IV: A Quest for Kiana and the 7 Wonder Disaster Class Beasts

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Needless to say everyone who is watching Kiana's memories are shocked, especially Bronya as The Watcher was actually made Kiana get her senses back together

But what was more shocking is that As Kiana and The Watcher are fighting The Watcher's portals and lances are similar to Sirin's but were more stronger and He managed to keep up with Kiana Attacks with Kiana pretty doing much the same, is it because of the song that was being played

after 2 minutes they couldn't hear the music anymore meaning that it ended, with there fight as a draw as both are tired and are currently laughing as they managed to have a lot of fun

and with that they continued watching


As Kiana and the Watcher laughed after there fight, Kiana slowly stands up with The Watcher helping him and then Kiana ask who is he and from there The Watcher explained that he was an Observer of worlds and like to watch how they progressed, Until The Guardian of the Moon found him through unknown means and begged his help to save her world from the Honkai in Kiana's world, with The Watcher sending her to another universe as he noticed her depression on failing to fulfill her role so she could heal herself

But as He headed to Kiana's universe, The Will of Honkai was one step ahead of him and created The Herrscher of the Void which caused him to not enter her world as there is a restriction placed at him

"There is only one person that can rule the void in one universe and so until one of them didn't die no one could enter"

As The Watcher says this Kiana asked who is the Guardian of the Moon and from there The Watcher tells the Story of The Sun, The Moon, and the Phoenix which was the reason why the Honkai existed

and then The Watcher teleports himself and Kiana to an familiar place, shocking Kiana somehow

Kiana: I saw this place in Sirin's memories this is-

The Watcher: Palace of Selene

Kiana: Why are we here?

The Watcher: Before The Will of the Honkai made the moon as it's base of operations, This was once the Place where The Guardian of the Moon lived, she gave me the map to this place so follow me I have to show you something

and then they entered the palace

As they continued walking The Watcher stopped and kneeled down and uses his hand to look for something in the ground which was the same spot where Sirin's powers got stronger

The Watcher: Ah here you go


and then a secret set of stairs that lead down revealed itself, shocking Kiana as she didn't knew that was there in the first place

And then she uses her ability to light up fire as she follow the Watcher down stairs

And as they reached the end of the stair what she saw next shocked her

It was Huge Room with all of the Honkai energy in the center with many symbols preventing it from being released

The Watcher: This is where all of the Honkai you sealed went and this room could destroy it, making you go back to your loved ones, but there is one problem, Only The Guardian of the Moon can activate the weapons in this room, which brings you to this moment, as I have a quest for you, will you to do this for me?

as Kiana heard this she thinks this for a moment and then she spoke

Kiana: If it'll make me go back to my loved ones so be it

The Watcher: Very well but first I have question for you?

Kiana: What is it?

The Watcher: Of all of your friends, who could defeat me?

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