The Trials Arc XI: Battle, Discovery, and The Watcher dropping the F-Bomb

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(Play the song above)

And then Boxer charged at Welt first with her coat dropping on the ground due to the speed she used to close her distance to Welt, with Bronya quickly summoning some guns to fire at Boxer, with Boxer and Welt engaging in hand to hand combat, while Boxer is dodging Bronya's attacks 

But then Boxer does a few steps back causing Bronya's guns to hit the tree that grew from one of the robots, with Boxer smirking as Bronya suddenly felt pain in her stomach causing her guns to disappear but she summoned Project Bunny to protect her from unknown attacks that Boxer might pull, with Welt noticing this, he then uses his powers to analyze the situation they were in and needless to say he is shocked 

The Trees are somehow alive and when Bronya accidentally shot the tree the damage was reflected to her instead 

Welt: Bronya, Don't shot at the tree's that came out from the mechs, they're traps!

Bronya: Hai!

And so Bronya commanded Project Bunny to fire guided missiles at Boxer and incase they will hit the trees that came out from the mechs, the missiles will deactivate and with disperse to particles to avoid the missiles hitting the trees

With this new strategy they manage to get the upperhand a little until Welt felt something is about to happen and summons a shield for himself as Boxer closes her distance and started to unleash many barrage of punches at Welt's shield, with the shield slowly cracking, causing Welt and Bronya to be shocked as only a Herrscher or a strong honkai beast can destroy the shield

But before Welt could reinforce the shield to prevent Boxer's punches to hit him, the shield broke and from their Welt received Boxer's continuous barrage of punches breaking some of his bones and sending him somewhere in the Colosseum 

As Boxer stopped her attack, Bronya used this chance to close her distance and commands Project Bunny to punch Boxer, with Project Bunny managing to land a hit on Boxer's stomach

And then Bronya uses martial arts to deal a lot of Damage to Boxer as many as possible sending her meters away from Bronya with Boxer doing a backflip to not fall on the ground and makes a fighting stance but then spoke

Boxer: Not bad Ms. Bronya, you've landed atleast a few good hits

Bronya: I want to ask a question

Boxer: While fighting, sure be my guest, try to catch up with my speed and block my incoming attacks then!!!

and so the two charged at each other and started punching and kicking in hopes to land hit, with the two managing to deflect each others attacks and from there Bronya spoke

Bronya: What is Mr. Watcher's goal here?!

Boxer: He came here to only give you guys trials, I'm sure you saw that in your friends memories on that disk, so why bother asking?

Bronya: Because I felt he had more reasons behind his motives, and I think it involves me and my loved ones!

and then Bronya suddenly felt a huge amounts of honkai energy forming in her fist that was about to hit Boxer, with Boxer immediately seeing this backs away to dodge the fist, causing Bronya to hit the ground and causing a huge explosion

As the smoke disappeared Boxer saw Bronya's arm where she used that attacked starting to become Grey with gold lines with Bronya's left eye turned red mixing with her original eye color, with Boxer saying

Boxer: So this what The Watcher is planning, it seems I just only speed it up

As Bronya saw her arm she was shocked as it was giving her something

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