The Trials Arc IX: Plan B to save Mei's Father and The Conclusion of the fight

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As a barrier was formed around the temple except for where the Diablo and Mei's father is, meaning that Mei and Sakawa are now fighting, Raven give Adam and Carole the signal to do Plan B

And so Raven started shooting Diablo from a certain distance, with Diablo sensing the bullet heading towards him and dodges them with ease 

after as Diablo moves further away from his original position, Carol appeared and use the mechanical arms to tackle the Diablo and prevent him from moving

With no other choice Diablo transforms into his battle mode

With no other choice Diablo transforms into his battle mode

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(Imagine it's Diablo)

As this happened Adam immediately pushed Carol away as Diablo uses the guns in his tail and body to escape from the mechanical arms, damaging them in the process

As this happens Diablo started firing at the position where Raven was, causing Raven to curse and started running from tree to tree to avoid getting hit by bullet

With Diablo distracted, Adam takes this chance to charge at Diablo, But Diablo noticed this and used it's tail to block Adam's attack, causing Diablo to engage Adam and Raven at the same time

As Carole check's the Mechanical arm's condition she noticed that she can fire one last blast to help Adam and Raven and fires it at Diablo, who got hit and lost consciousness, giving Carole and the others a chance to untie Mei's father and escape the area

Inside the temple

(Imagine the song from the previous chapter is still playing)

We could still see Mei and Sakawa fighting with the area filled with cracks and burns due to the lightning at Mei's sword and Sakawa's strength 

And from her we could see Mei using her super speed and jumps to pillar to pillar to confuse Sakawa and so she could finish her off

but as she done this Sakawa spoke

Sakawa: I see so this is how you want to play it, very well then *Breaths in and out* Moon Breathing Second Form-

And the Sakawa made her blade perform several crescent-shaped slashes that defend him from incoming attacks, sending a barrage of crescent blades everywhere

Sakawa: Flower Moongazing!

Mei: Shit!

As Mei saw this she summons a lot of lightning from her sword and makes a lot of slash projectiles to intercept the incoming slashes towards her

and as she landed into the ground she spoke

Mei: What the hell is that

Sakawa: My sword isn't an ordinary on Ms. Raiden, It was made by those who grasp the power of the gods, Moon Breathing Third Form: Chains of the Hateful Moon!

And from there Sakawa swings her sword rapidly, creating two gigantic crescent slashes, from which a storm of smaller crescents spreading to causing much damage as possible

As Mei saw this jumps into the pillars to avoid getting hit, but Sakawa catches up and from their blades clashed once more as they head to floor after floor in the temple

But due to the damage that Sakawa cost at the ground floor some of the pillar started to collapse one by one causing the two to race out of the roof while Sakawa throws some shuriken's at Mei's direction, while Mei deflects them or takes cover from the falling objects as they head to the roof

And as the two reached the roof the pillars completely collapse, causing the floors to fall to the ground leaving a huge hole in the center of the temple roof

But this didn't stop the two from fighting, with Sakawa releasing different types of Moon Breathing, one even more dangerous than the last, but since she is doing that Mei releases also large amounts of lightning from her sword and from the grey sky that was covering the beautiful night

As they kept fighting, Sakawa felt something is heading in her way and it will kill causing her to to move aside, managing to dodge the bullet that was about to hit her in the head

Sakawa: Tch it seems you friends managed to defeat Diablo, It'll take him awhile to stand up, but with you're father safe from harm how about giving your all already Ms. Raiden?

Mei: You asked for it

And so Lightning rumbled and Mei's eyes changed causing Mei to become even more faster and deadlier as Lightning protected her from Sakawa's attacks, putting Sakawa in a huge disadvantage and staying in defense

In the end Mei manages to close her distance to Sakawa and landed a lot of slashes at Sakawa, so many she got sent at the ground outside the temple as the song ended causing the barrier to disappear with Mei landing at the ground safely with Raven joining her and spoke

Raven: You sure did finish her off Mei

Mei: No, she's not dead her body is like metal, and it almost broke my sword if it wasn't for my Herrscher powers strengthening my blade

and as the smoke disappeared they could see Sakawa gasping for a lot of air with the damage in her body visible, with Diablo who managed to wake up and goes near to Sakawa while it's tail is holding a samurai sword with a sun symbol on it's sheath and was about to take away Sakawa but Mei was about to speak with Sakawa using her remaining strength to stop Diablo so she could hear what she wanted to stay

Mei: You wanted my answer about your question right?

Sakawa: Y-Yeah. . . so what's your answer?

Mei: I fight despite everything cause I want to show that I'm never going to be weak ever again and to prove that I can protect those I care about even it costs my life

As Sakawa heard this her eyes widen for a second then closes her eyes and laughs a little due to the injuries she sustained

Sakawa: Diablo. . .Give her the sword

Diablo: But master-!

Sakawa: I think Ms. Raiden Mei deserves the blade than me, even it's my sisters sword, I don't deserve it, then we'll surrender to them

Diablo: Master. . .

Sakawa: You can't heal all of my injuries Diablo, even you could they'll open again

Diablo: . . .Very Well master *Tosses the sword to Raiden Mei, with Mei catching it* Handle it with Care

Mei: I will, Raven help me carry Sakawa

Raven: If you say so, you're the boss after all

And so they all head back to the base with Mei feeling something special in the sword given to her by Sakawa

To be continued

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