The Trials Arc VIII: Raiden Mei vs Sakawa

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(Once again I have noticed that the new chapter only got a few reads, with this happening I'll give guys one last chance chance to decide if you want this to continue or discontinue as I could divert some of the Oc's that I'm going to put here to other stories and not put them to waste(I'm serious at first I have high expectations for this book at first but seeing the results so yeah), and please tell me what's wrong with this story so I could fix it to make it better if possible with that said you may continue reading)

At the Sakura Tree Forest

We could see Mei walking at the forest while Adam, Carole and Raven head deep in the forest first to do some reconnaissance and to secure the area, with Raven's distance close to where Mei is incase her Father's kidnapper made surprise attacks or traps

As Mei continues to walk on the forest she saw Diablo a few meters away from Mei's direction and seems waiting for her

and then Diablo spoke which surprised Mei a little as this is the first time she saw a dog talking, a robot dog nevertheless

Diablo: Follow me, Ms. Raiden, my master has been waiting for you in the temple, including your father

And so Mei followed Diablo to the Abandoned Japanese Temple 

After minutes of walking, they managed to reach the Tori Gates with the temple a few meters away behind it

But as she looked at the entrance of the temple she saw her Father tied in a wooden stake at the front of the temple grounds with blood on his left shoulder, causing her eyes to widen and become angry, to which she managed to control herself as she noticed that the blood in her father's shoulder seems to stop bleeding a few minutes ago

And then Diablo saw Sakawa and headed to her direction with Mei seeing Sakawa as well

As Diablo goes close to Sakawa she petted it's head and spoke

Sakawa: You done well Diablo, Care to have chat with me Raiden Mei before you could unleash your anger to me for hurting your Father?

Mei: I suppose, I'll give a chance, since you haven't kill my Father

Sakawa: Well not if you say it like that, after all my fight with you is the big payoff , Diablo please guard this area incase some of Mei's friend and students try to save her father

Diablo: Of Course Master Sakawa

As Mei saw heard this she was shocked on how did they figured out, but nevertheless she followed Sakawa inside the temple, with the lights of the temple being light up in flames placed in torches placed in stands(With Raven contacting the Adam and Carole that their enemy had known from the beginning that they'll here and tells them do commence Plan B)

And as the two walked inside the temple halls to reach a room Mei spoke

Mei: So why did you want to fight me, and go far by hurting my father, If my memory serves me correct, You're one of the people who is with Mr. Watcher?

Sakawa: Correct, currently there had been a change of plans, and so I was tasked to test you Ms. Raiden, so answer this question, What is your motivation to fight despite everything you've gone through?

Mei: I see, So that's why you went far on me, using my loved one's as a reason won't satisfy the answer you're looking for

Sakawa: Hahaha, Mr. Watcher is right, your really are quick at analyzing the situation you're in regardless of someone getting hurt already 

Mei: After all letting my anger get over me won't do anything good anyway

Sakawa: But that's not all I want to ask you, I want to know your ideals, if they are the same as mine or they clashed like yours

Mei: What do you mean?

Sakawa: *sighs* Forget it we've both heard many speeches of good causes and reasons why people fight by now, I want to know if you different from them, after all history will decide who's right, End of story

As Mei heard this she knew that her fight with Sakawa will begin and so she distances herself away from Sakawa as they entered the wide room of the temple with four huge pillar supporting the temple structure

As Sakawa also done this, Mei spoke

Mei: I don't care who thinks I'm right or wrong, but now you just give me enough cause to kill you, even this a trial

Sakawa: Wh-?, Oh good *laughs* Why that's very good, Yes I like that!

and then suddenly Sakawa and Mei could hear Diablo's voice as Sakawa has an earpiece where she could communicate with Diablo

Diablo: Must you and Ms. Raiden really fight?

Sakawa: She still haven't give me her answer yet, so don't interfere now Diablo

and then they looked at each other face to face 

Sakawa: After all this is between us *holds her sword sheath*

and then both of them draw their sword from the sheath's and made a fighting stance, waiting for the first person to strike with Mei noticing Sakawa's sword blade is red, but immediately discards the information and spoke with hint of killing intent with Sakawa not getting fazed by it

Mei: And I'll make sure you'll pay for hurting my father tenfold, not even The Watcher can spare you from my anger

Sakawa: Ok then, Let's dance until one of us is dead!!! *A mask appeared covering her mouth* 

As she said this A juke box appeared with a coin falling into the jukebox with a song starting to be played

(Play the song)

As both of them heard the song, Sakawa started to get excited on their fight, While's Mei's rage continues to build up but maintains her calm expression, before she makes the first strike by releasing lightning from her sword and charged at Sakawa, with Sakawa dodging her attack by using her sword to block it, and then Sakawa spoke

Sakawa: Now were talking

and so Sakawa tries to attack Mei, only for Mei to dodge it with Sakawa jumping a few meters away from Mei to keep some distance and then she charges as her again and jumps to land a heavy strike at Mei, with Mei immediately dodging as she sensed the blade shining red as energy is being charged from it and as it make contact with the place where Mei is previously, causing the wooden floor to crack and break a bit, with Mei taking note that she need to avoid getting hit by the blade as she felt something off from it

Sakawa: Let's see how long can you last, Raiden Mei

and from there their battle had truly begun, with Mei wishing that Raven and the others have found a way to free her father

To be continued

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