Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Hello!" Catherine exclaimed as she entered the house.

"Here we are!" Pippa called out from the sitting room.

Catherine walked into the sitting room.

"Ooh! Pippa!" Catherine said as she walked over to hug her sister.

"Oh, it's so good to see you!" Pippa said as she hugged Catherine.

"Finally, all our children under one roof," Carole said.

"They're growing up so fast, aren't they?" Michael said as Catherine greeted her parents and brother.

"Yesterday they were babies," Carole said.

Catherine sighs and takes a seat on the sofa.

"So have you been invited to Buckingham Palace for tea?" Pippa asked Catherine.

"Ha-ha. Very funny," Catherine replied.

"Rachel Kasen's sister goes to St. Andrews, and she says she sees you with him all the time," Pippa said.

"Really?" James asked, surprised his sister was hanging out with royalty.

"We're just friends and also, did she tell you that I've also been seen the Spanish princess, Florencia, all the time," Catherine told Pippa.

"And what does Trevor say about that?" Pippa asked her.

"Don't tease your sister. She just got home," Michael told Pippa.

"You wouldn't even know Wills was a prince or anything if you met him," Catherine said.

"Wills?" Carole asked.

"You call him Wills now?" Pippa asked her.

"Yes, because that's his name. And he has a girlfriend," Catherine said.

"And who is his girlfriend?" James asked.

"I didn't know he was dating," Carole said.

Catherine bit her bottom lip.

"Well, they're not dating but he's in love with her and I really hope gets the confidence to tell her because I kept pretending that I don't know about his feelings for her," Catherine said.

"Ohh, wow!" Pippa said.

"It's the Spanish princess, isn't it?" Michael asked his daughter.

"Mmm," Catherine answered.

As soon as Florencia stepped into the restaurant, she saw her sister, Graciana's hand shooting up in the air, waving incessantly at her with a huge smile on her face.

Florencia made her way to the table. Graciana immediately stands up to exchange cheek kisses with Florencia.

"Sorry, I got held up," Florencia told her sister.

"By what?" Graciana asked Florencia.

"Group study for a risk management system paper," Florencia answered.

"Look at you already in a study group," Graciana said.

Florencia smiles wryly as she slumps into the chair.

"What are you doing here? It's too soon for a visit from you, Graci," Florencia said.

"I missed you. Oh, before we get carried away talking about everything else, I just want to know one thing," Graciana said.

"What?" Florencia asked her.

"How are you doing with William being in the same space as you?" Graciana replied.

"William? Oh, well I'm fine. We always wanted to go to St Andrews concurrently," Florencia answered.

Graciana smirked.

"So, are you two going to date now with you both being in the same place?" Graciana asked her.

Florencia shook her head no.

"No, I'm focused on my education, Graci, no time for romance," Florencia answered.

Florencia grow awfully quiet after that. Graciana sensing something's off, she leans across the table and tilts her head to the side.

"Did another girl catch his attention already?" She asked her elder sister.

Florencio sigh and put a smile on her face to hide her feelings.

"No, he spends way too much time with me for any girl to grab his attention," Florencia replied.

"Is that a good or bad thing, Flo?" She asked.

"I haven't figured that yet," Florencia answered.

In the middle of the first year at St. Andrew's, William began to feel homesick and didn't really like his Art History so he was contemplating transferring to another Uni. Florencia, along with others, convinced him to stay and switch to Geography, which he did.

Tonight there was a party and of course, William arrived at the party, looking for Florencia. Once he spotted her near the table with snacks and drinks; he walked over to her.

"Hi," Florencia said as she took a sip of her drink.

"Hi," William said with a smile.

They stood next to each other in silence until William spoke up.

"I forgot to thank you for your advice over Christmas break," He said.

"Oh. You're welcome," Florencia said.

"You look beautiful tonight," William said.

"Thank you," Florencia said.

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