Chapter Nine:Two Set of Trouble Minds

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(Warning:Self issues. Just issues in general, annnddd probably something scary at the end and swearing)





Venomous gasp in air before waking up. He looks around to see himself chain into his mind...again, "Ugghhh...again?..." he asks, sighing and getting up. "ARE YOU CRAZY?! Dealing with someone you HATE?! WHAT ARE YOU?! YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE A GOOD GUY NOW!!!!" Laserblast yells, appearing and is chain into the ground too. "You again?...ugh...I thought you vanish but now..." Venomous said. "We talked about this. I am YOU! And what you did of making stupid deal was wrong!" Laser said. "No..I WAS you! There's a difference! I'm trying to fix the mistakes that YOU made!" Venomous said.

"The only mistake when I was in charge was not being good enough for Natasha!! YOU LET HER MOVED ON!" Laser snaps, taking off his helmet and have tears in his eyes. Venomous feel tears rolling down, but he wipe them away, "No...that was YOUR fault...after what incident...I've became Professor Venomous...not Laser...I've moved on from the past...sure, there's things I'm still holding on..but that's PART of moving won't be moving on COMPLETELY! CAN'T!...there's gonna be something to remind you of something painful..." He said with a calming tone.

"Ugh! Here we go again!! Always thinking YOU are way BETTER than me! But you're not! You're MORE worse than I am!! Now answer me! Why did you make a deal with that crazy psycho?!" Laser asks. "It's was to protect Frankie, MY daughter! You might think it's reckless, but know that I'm NOT you! Not ANYMORE! You don't control ME!" Venomous said, glaring at him. "But she's gonna hate you even more! She's not gonna look up to you! Just like Natasha did when she left us!!! I was THERE! You wasn't!! I was THERE when she left US!! We're never gonna be GOOD enough for ANYONE!!! Frankie was our only chance of feeling love by family and you THREW IT AWAY!!!!" Laser snaps, grabbing Venomous by the collar of his shirt.

Venomous push him away and looks away, "Sure...but as long as they're's fine by one have to love us...not Natasha...not Frankie...not anyone...but as long as the ones I care are's fine by me.." Venomous said. "You really got soft, did you?...I TRIED to give you advices, but you keep PUSHING ME AWAY!!!! WE WERE MEANT TO BE NATASHA'S!!!! WE WERE MEANT TO BE A HERO!!!!! WE WERE MEANT TO BE LOVABLE!!!!" Laser yells, before Venomous punch him. "WE WERE NEVER MEANT TO BE ANY OF THOSE!!!!! WE WERE NEVER MEANT TO BE ENOUGH!!!!....W-We we're NEVER be happy..." He said, panting and looks at Laser who just stays quiet.






"YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SH*T!!!!" An familiar voice yells as she tackled Ice Snow to the ground, "WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME TAKE OVER?! WE COULD HAVE DESTROY HIM!!!!" She yells. Ice Snow pushes her turbo side, Turbo Ice(art of her is in my art book) away from her. "Woah woah! Are you crazy? If I did that! We both know you would ended that bird man!" She said.  "HE DESERVE IT!!!! I COULD HAVE SAVE THE PLAZA!!!!!" Turbo Ice yells, punching Ice on the shoulder, "WE COULD BE FAMOUS!!!!!" She yells.

"You think I wanted us to kill a person?! Sure, he deserve to be taken down, but he's STILL a person! I'm not gonna let you kill ANYONE!!!" Ice Snow said. "UGH! You're so f*cking soft! There's people who NEED to die!! THEY DON'T NEED A HERO LIKE YOU!!!! THEY NEED SOMEONE LIKE ME!!!!" Turbo Ice yells, laughing. "No...we TALKED about this! one is getting hurt!!!" Ice Snow said. Suddenly Turbo Ice grabs Ice and throws her to an ice cage. "You stay here! I'LL BE IN CONTROL!!!!" She yells, blasting an ice fist at the cage which it's goes all the way down.



I C Y!!

Back in the real world. Turbo Ice wakes up in a test tank, "WHERE AM I?!" She yells, trying to punch it, but end up getting shock. "SAVE your won't break me...I won't escape.." Shadowy Venomous said, sitting down on the tank's floor. "Ugh...course, YOU have to be here..." Turbo Ice mumbles. "What's THAT suppose to mean?" Shadowy Venomous asks. "You know...being a b*tch*ss you are" T. Ice said, glaring. "You're one too, dumb*ss" Shadowy Venomous said. "Yeah, but you're way more worse than me, motherf*cker" T. Ice said. "IT WAS ONE TIME!" Shadowy Venomous said. "Still happen" T. Ice said.

"About time...I was wondering when you two are awake.." Zeus said, flying in and land on his feet. "LET US OUT!!!!!!" T. Ice yells, growling. "Relax..I'm just simple gonna use this machine to drain your turbo into the amulet" Zeus said. "F*cking psycho" Shadowy Venomous said. "You're one of those f*cking psycho too" T. Ice said. "When we get free, I will battle you" Shadowy Venomous said. "TRY ME!!!" T. Ice yells. "'s all're sure you wanna do this?...this is very dangerous and..probably won't work..." A troop said. "I don't care...DO IT!" Zeus said, which the troop nodded before pull the level down.

Suddenly the two screams in VERY..and I mean VERY high pitch as Ice and Venomous turns back to normal and fall to the ground. The powers went to the amulet which it really SPARKS a mix of purple and red. "It's all in, should be careful with this power.."  A troop said. "Whatever gives me the power to be most powerful man..anyone have seen..." Zeus said, smirking and laughing.

(Hope you like this angst crap. Natasha and Frankie belong to Ra1nSt0rm )

A Crack In A Ninja's Ice(Oc x Canon Character/Ok Ko Fanfic)(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now