Hellish Training

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"Now, become the master of WATER!!!!" Urokodaki screamed while kicking Giyu and Sabito into the water. Makamo stared in fear while Y/N just looked blankly. "Shit... they can't swim..." "SWIM YOUR ASSES!!!" Makamo screamed. Urokodaki then turned to Y/N and Makamo, a scary aura surrounding him. "Uhh... Urokodaki-san..?" Y/N fearfully asked. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Y/N and Makamo squealed while falling down the cliff. Giyu passed out of fear and oh god, Sabito looked like he just saw a ghost. Y/N swam into the deep end. "Makamo come here! I wanna swim it's sooooo FUN!!" Y/N screamed like a feral gremilin. Makamo only squealed in fear before screeching, "IT'S SO COLDDD!!!" Y/N sighed. This was easier than normal training. But she had a bad habit of screaming when falling...

"500 MORE SWINGS!!" Urokodaki told the others, while Y/N already finished 1500. "Y-Y/N HELP ME PLEASEEEE!!" Makamo screamed in pain. Y/N walked over and helped Makamo swing it in a inhuman speed. "WHAT THE F-" "Makamo you are done." Y/N said before walking away. Makamo was so pleased she didn't have to do more work. "Y/NNNNN PLEASE HELP!!" Giyu and Sabito yelped. You looked at them, then plastered a sinister smile on her face before walking away.












"MMMMH~! FISH!!!!" Y/N smelled the scent of fish. "Eugh, thats our daily breakfast and dinner..." Giyu and Sabito grumbled. Y/N and Makamo only smiled because, Y/N has only had fish once in her life and Makamo always enjoyed Urokodaki's food. The 2 sprinted as soon as they heard Urokodaki tell them it was ready. Giyu and Sabito only gloomily walked and sat on the ground. "THANK YOU FOR THE MEAL!!!" Y/N and Makamo screamed before stuffing their faces with fish and rice. "Lets dig in..." Giyu grumpily said. Sabito nodded and started eating.

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