The boulder, + Final Selection

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'Concentrate on your breathing.... inhale and exhale slowly.....' Y/N calmy thought before swiftly slicing the boulder in half. Urokodaki smiled and said loudly and proudly, "That's how its done." Makamo, Sabito and Giyu's mouth hung from their face. They could only barely dent it while Y/N cleanly sliced the boulder in half. "If you guys dont manage to slice the boulder.." Urokodaki said. "You wont be going to the final selection with Y/N." He continued. Makamo, Giyu and Sabito immediently went to work. 'I've got to get in with Y/N!!' They all thought. 

"YEAH!!" Sabito screamed when he sliced it in half. "YESSSS!!" Giyu squealed when he sliced it in half. "OUCH!" Makamo yelped when she sliced the boulder. "Geez, you guys are always so loud.... accept for my baby Makamo...!" Y/N cooed to Makamo. Makamo hugged Y/N affectionally and stuck her tongue out to the others.
















"Ooooh, you'll be my 11th fox!" The evil fat mutated demon giggled while pointing to Giyu. Giyu cried in fear. "Pl-please!!" Giyu was suddenly saved by Sabito, "Don't you dare attack my friend." Sabito growled at the monster. "Ahahahah! 2 Little foxes! 12th fox!" The demon sinisterly smiled before throwing Giyu into a tree. "" Sabito angriliy growled. The charged at the demon. 'Remember this well Sabito, don't let your emotions get the best of you. Take deep breaths before attacking the demon. Then swiftly go for the neck and slice it off, courage will take you further.' Sabito remembered the wise words Y/N had told him. He was slicing his neck when.....

CRACK Huh? The blade... IT SNAPPED!! Sabito was in fear when the demon happily smiled and extened his hand to crush the poor boys skull..

CRACK. Sabito waiting for the scary impact, but it never came. He slowly opened his eyes to see. "Y/N!!" Sabito scurried to Y/N corpse. It was gruesome. Her head was no longer where it should be, her brain was busted, her eyes were crushed and bones were scattered everywhere. Sabito felt like puking. His eyes narrowed towards the demon. It was making his way towards Giyu! Sabito took Y/N's blade and sliced the demons hands off. Hot tears trickled down his face. "This is for my dear comrade." He angrily spat. He swiftly took Giyu and Y/N, then proceeding to take off to the first aid with Y/N and Giyu.

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