Hashira Meeting

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"CAW CAW!!!!!!!!!!!! HASHIRA MEETING C- JAHAEBFJAHJS-!" "Sabito!! Stop choking your bird!!" Giyu worriedly said, "It wont shut up." Makamo replied. Sabito just sighed. "Ever had dreams of Y/N?" The 2 looked at him before slowly nodding. "Well, I had a dream of her, saying she will come back to us." He looked down, thinking it was silly to say. "Well, me and Makamo had that too." Giyu softly said. "But we should go to the hashira meeting." Makamo chimed in. They all agreed before rushing off to the meeting.

"DON'T TOUCH MY SISTER!!!!" THUMP. "Gosh we just got here and there's noise already?!" Giyu screamed. "I know right." Makamo boredly said. Sabito was tired, can't he just get some peace and quiet? "The master has arrived." All the hashiras immediently went to bow. "Hello my children. Its a nice weather today, isn't it?" "Good to see you in good health master, I hope you live for the better and the longer." The white haired man said.

*Time skip coz I am too lazy to do Tanjiro's trial*

"Hey, don't interrupt the master. Its rude." The mint boy bluntly said. Tanjiro was then was taken away by Kakushi. "Tanjiro, give Tamayo my regards." Ubuyashiki said. "Now children. I have a new hashira. I know 4 of you will be extremely happy." Ubuyashiki smiled. "Come on out now, Uzui." Uzui's mouth dropped. "Sis...ter?" He softly said. Sabito, Giyu and Makamo were frozen. "Y-Y/N?" The 3 asked in sync.

"Hi guys! I am the-.......hehe.... 4th water pillar..?" She smiled sheepishly. "Anyways DUN DUN DUN I'M COMING FOR YOU BROTHER!!!" She screamed before pouncing on the very flameboyant sound hashira. "HI VERY FLAMEBOYANT BROTHER!!" "OH MAH GAWD ITS YOU!! VERY FLAMEBOYANT MY DEAR SISTER!!" They both giggled. "Still remembered the phrase?" "Yes indeed, dear sister." They both cackled before Y/N evily looked at the 3. "SABITO!!!!!!!!!!!! GIYU AND ITS- OH MAH GAWD ITS PUURRRRR BESITEE!!!!" "PURRRRR BESTIE!!!!!!" Y/N looked at Ubuyashiki then he nodded. Y/N plopped Sabito, Giyu, Makamo and Uzui on her back. "HEY LETS GO LADIES!!!" "HEY I'M A BOY!!!!"

Y/N showered Sabito with affection and love. Uzui only stared at Sabito with a sinister smile. "I love this I love that I LOVE YOU!!!" Y/N squealed hugging Sabito. "I missed your love." Y/N pouted. Sabito chuckled then turned serious. "How did you survive?" Y/N looked dumbfounded. "Ehhh? Oh yeah I threw someone's dead body at the hand demon-" She said before bursting out into laughter. "And then I trained Kamado." She smiled. "How come I didn't see you at the end..?" He sadly said. "I rushed down the mountain... LIKE A GOD!!" She screamed. The 4 burst into laughter at Y/N's new humor. "I love you." "I love you too!!"

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