Uzui Y/N

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"Run and never come back, my dear sister." The few soft spoken words were obeyed by a little girl, who ran her little legs could carry her. 'I've got to get far, I don't my brother to be sad.' She thought. Oh how dearly she loved her brother. But now was the time to go.

She ran up a mountain, full of traps....? Seriously. Why would you put up traps? A log charged for her but she dodged with ease. Who put up these lazy traps? A pit of knives laid before her, but she just easily jumped. 'This is wayyyyyy easier than normal training.' She thought.

At last, she reached the top, it had a cute little cabin with fire-wood and 3 futons. Where they used? Eh, she didn't care, she slept on one with a nice scent. 'Oni-chan!' She thought about her past life until now, she drifted off to sleep,  hoping to cling onto those memories.












"Urokodaki, who's this?" A peach-haired boy questioned the elder. "Yeah, Urokodaki, who is it?" A dark-haired boy chimed in. The young girl beside them sighed, "Geez, give Urokodaki a rest guys." Urokodaki was only in deep thought. Wandering how she got up here, after all, the whole entire mountain was covered in traps. But she was barely scratched...? 

"Shhhhhh.... She's waking up.." The 3 kids looked at the girl fluttering her eyelashes, then immediently sat up. "Uhhh...Who are y'all...?" She said, obviously not fully awake. "Uhm, who are you?" The blue male coldy said. "Geez Giyu, don't be so harsh on her! She's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute~! Right Sabito?" The girl sent a look that said 'say yes or I'll slice your throat open.' He only sighed in defeat while beads of sweat trickled down his throat. "Y-yaaa..." He silently croaked. "What was that?" She repeated. "Y-yes ma'am!!" Sabito screamed before dashing out of the room. "Hehe, see he agre-...." The girl turned to face the girl only to see her asleep once again.

"Hey hey hey!!!!!" The girl, lazily opened her eyes, 'gosh who is that..?' she thought while sitting up. "Hi!!! Your the second girl here! I'm Makamo, the peach boy is Sabito and the.... *whispers loner* is Giyu.." She snickered while saying the last part. Of course the girl had to let out a giggle, "I am Uzui Y/N!"

Written on computer, my ipad is like- at 31.8 GB and the max is 32 GB XP

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