the break up

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I have no Idea what to call this but you could say that this is a angst to fluff type of thing

This whole thing is gonna be scar's pov

This thing will take place in double life

Also there will be mentions of cheating so if your uncomfortable with that then feel free to not read this part

*scar's pov*
I saw my soul mate leave the house again
"See you later, scar! I'm gonna go see my friends again" Grian lied

I knew he was going to see bigb again. I just smiled at him. When he left I went to see what bigb wrote to him this time. But the book seemed different. Normally it would be perfectly fine maybe even better than when bigb gave him the book, but this time I saw that the book was pretty messed up. Tears drenched the book, paper was a bit torn, it even seems like he tried burning it!? Did bigb do something? They seem so happy together yesterday.
Also sometimes he would write what he thinks about bigb's message beside his 'secret soulmate'. Usually it would be something lovey-dovey like
"i love you too, bigb" but for this one, all I could read is I lov- the rest were so scribbled out that it was practically a pitch black area in the book.

Everyday I would just sit down on my chair and get really annoyed about him cheating on me but this time I just in my bed, confused. Who does he love? It's probably not me.. does it even say that he loves someone? What happened to him and bigb? I decided that I wanted to spy on them tomorrow. But what do I do today? I just remembered where they normally meet up. I could just spy on the today AND tomorow. I quickly got dressed and went to the tree beside our cake castle. I saw the two talking to each other, I tried getting as close as I could to them so I could hear them.

They exchange books like usual and do their normal lovey-dovey things. But it all changed when bigb walked back to his house. Grian's smile turned upside down as he stood there, staring at the book. "I'm not gonna fail this time" He sighed, what does he mean..? He dropped the book on the ground and opened his inventory, the book suddenly lit on fire. It was a huge flame, almost as tall as him. He smiled, you could see the reflection of the flames in his icy cold eyes.

After a few minutes, he took out a bucket of water and dumped it on the fire. The book seemed really burnt but Grian looked really disappointed. He picked the book up carefully and ripped all the pages that weren't burnt.

Did he lose interest in bigb? Is there another secret soulmate that I don't know about?

Questions filled my mind as I looked at Grian's attempts at destroying the book. "Cmon! Why won't this stupid book be gone!" He said while stomping on it.

Once the book was became absolutely unusable, I heard him sigh, it seems like a mixture of frustration and relief.
"I'm really sorry, scar"
What did he just say? Why is he sorry? Didn't he lose interest in me? Well it did seem like he did a while ago but I don't know. He stared at the book -or what used to be the book- blankly. I saw him walking back home so I quickly panicked and went to the back door of our house.

"Hey love" Grian said "Hey.." I tried hiding my confusion
"are you okay!? You seem stressed" He said confused
"No no don't worry!" I tried to reassure him
"Oh alright.. if you say so" He muttered, he gave me a small kiss on the lips and sat down. I gave him a kiss back and sat back down on my chair. I was wondering whether I should tell him that I know about bigb, I decided that I was going to. "Hey G..?" I said, he immediately spun his head in my direction "Yes love?" He said "Uhm..what's this..?" I said nervously as I picked up the messed up book. "Oh..I guess i need to do it now.." He said, what does he mean? I lifted my eyebrow "hm..?" "Bigb.." He muttered annoyedly "i know that" I replied to his muttering, he seemed surprised a bit surprised to me knowing about the secret soulmates. "I was asking why you burnt the book" I said straightforwardly to break the silence. "..." More silence filled the room as he crafted a book. He took out a quill and wrote something down. "What's that..?" "I love you." He said, what?
Am I dreaming? Does he actually love me? Noo he's probably lying again..Before I could reply, he grabbed my hand and ran to the spot behind our castel. He took out his communicator,
"Bigb, back of base now." He typed in. A few minutes later, bigb ran all the way here "uhm love..why is he here?" Bigb asked looking at me, "Take this." Grian replied, he handed the book that he wrote before. when bigb opened the book, he smiled "aww i love you too, but you haven't answered my question." Bigb said, ..he lied again I guess, why did he even try to make me think he love me. "Next page." Grian said, Bigb turned to the next page and his smile instantly fell. "W-what?" Bigb said, trying not to cry. I wonder what's on the book. "Did he tell you to write this or something!?" Bigb yelled at Grian
"Don't look at me! I don't even know what's on the book!" I said
Bigb threw the book into Grian's face and ran away. Grian smiled at me "Grian.. what does the book say?" I asked, he lifted up my book. 'I love you bigb' he flipped to the next page
'but i love scar more, sorry' I was shocked,
"i promise i will never leave you ever again" He kissed me on the cheek, my face lit up "really!?" I smiled "of course, scar, i love you" "I love you too, Grian" it felt great being the one saying it. Grian leaned in for a kiss and i kissed back while holding him in my arms for the first time in so long.

(This was a pretty long story honestly, 1081 words :0
Sorry if its a weird story :'] i normally make these ideas at like 12 pm)

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