sorcerers of love

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hermits remembers SOME old memories from past lives (seasons) yey

"but you already did wizard scar so many times-" SHUSH THIS IS ABT WIZARD GRIAN NOW /pos

*Scar's pov*

I found myself watching a show, instead of doing my usual job. A magic show. I don't usually enjoy watching shows directly, since I like watching on TV, but I thought this could be a small exception. And there I am, listening to crowds cheer and yell for this magician. I'm not actually sure how he does his magic, I do know how to do some tricks, but this is way beyond a normal magician level. Sometimes, the guy even goes to a gruesome level of tricks, and he still survives.

He is a guy with slightly long blonde fluffy hair that ends at his neck, eyes are a sky blue, an average sized man, and I would say.. pretty cute. I like the guy.

His shows were amazing, I felt so happy to see it live. "Alright! Does anyone want to step up and help me with this trick?" He announced, cheers of excitement fills the room as hands start appearing in the air. "Alright, alright. I can't pick all of you, of course. " He chuckled, "Well.. how about you, pretty boy?" The blonde smiled at the middle row. "Me?" A mustached man a few seats from me questioned. "No, you!" He yelled, everyone looked at each other, questioning who he meant by pretty boy. Well.. before I started floating. I started panicking because, why wouldn't you? I didn't know what was happening, and suddenly, I was getting launched over to the stage. "So.. what's your name?" The magician asked in a flirty-joking way. "Uhm...uh..Scar! The name is Scar." I panicked, I've never been in front of such a large audience. "Handsome name!" He pushed down my face with his wand, making me stare right into his eyes. It led my face to absolutely heat up. "T-thanks!" I stuttered lightly, "Mine's Grian !!" He whispered silently so no one would hear it. I.. knew his name. Am I one of the few people who knows his name!? "Nice to meet you, grian !!" I whispered the last part quietly

"Well, would you like to help with a trick?" He asked loudly before shoving a microphone into my face again. "Sure..!" I smiled. "Alrighty then!" Was the last thing I heard before I got shoved into a box

The box started floating, but soon I couldn't feel anything from the waist down. I couldn't see much from the box so I was confused. "I can't feel my waist" I vocalized in confusion, i looked over to the crowd. Some were laughing while some looked traumatized. "You don’t have a waist, silly!" Grian laughed as he supposedly did a magic trick, suddenly I could see through the box and realized, I actually didn't have a waist. "Oh." I muttered, I was trying to trust the trick since he always looked alright at the end. But he never asked anyone to help him with his tricks. While I was in the air I tried seeing if there was any thing to make illusions, fake magicians usually do that. I'm not saying he's fake but sometimes his tricks are so high leveled that I start to doubt him. But no. Nothing. Just air. Only one difference spotted. The magician had bright purple wings, his dark suit turned into a white dress, and a translucent mask appeared on his head.

Wait what's that!? I saw something glowing in purple. It looked like some silhouettes of  angels. But they only poped up like once or twice in a flickering type of way.

The box slowly decended to the ground, slowly becoming more opaque to me. I could feel my waist again, along with my legs. The box opened to let me out before i started stumbling around.
"So..what did you think?" Grian asked loudly as he smiled ear to ear. His smile is so gorgeous, I couldn't even think of what to say. "" I stammered, his smile was a trick in itself. "Hm..?" His head tilted slightly, which led my heart and brain race more. "It was great! It was great..i loved it so much !!" I finally remembered how to speak. "Oh you seem so nervous.. are you alright, sweetie?" Grian got a bit closer than he was before, rotating my head in his direction. "Uhm..! Uh.." my face was redder than a basket of tomatoes. Soon enough we heard the crowd cheering  loudly.

"Kiss!" Some of them yelled, "well, should we do what they're saying?" He chuckled lightly. "Of course." I joked a bit back, but I was kinda hoping that he would. Wait, what the heck am I thinking!? I'm supposed to be going back to the audience. "Alright, you can go back now," he smirked at me lightly, but i felt something in my pockets. Before I could check, I started floating again, back into my seat.

I decided to walk to the bathroom so I could open it without anyone seeing. He didn't mention this at all, so I'm assuming that he wants to keep it private.
It says.. '******* call me ;]'

..He- he wants me to call- him???? Oh my void, I'm the luckiest man alive! My face heated up as my heart raced.

I immediately ran back to the audience, my eyes tracing his each step as I awaited excitedly.

A few hours later, the bell rang. "Oop! My time is up here, folks! Buh bye~!" He grinned, disappearing off stage as all the lights shut off.

"Aww, already?" "Cmon." Some audiences groaned, moving out the door. I dashed through the door quickly, running down the stairs with excitement.

I strapped on my elytra and flew off, not wasting anytime to get home. I soon found my base, flying in through the window.

"Ouch." I vocalized in slight pain, hitting the bed as I flew in. But I didn't care. I scrambled for my phone, dialing the number.




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