chapter eleven

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The entire group met up at Lily's house, and surprisingly Casey didn't show up in a pirate costume. "And you said I was the nerd." Kimberly smirks. "How is this nerdy? Everyone knows Jason."

Lily snorts. "The scariest thing anyone in Grimsby can handle are the scarecrows in Mr. Kent's corn field. They don't even show horror at the plaza anymore because of what happened to Rory. Said it was an act of Satan." Rory scoffs.

"Whatever. Who's ready party, get drunk, and possibly have sex?" Everyone in the room raises their hands. "We all know you and James are so you can put your hand down." Kim says, making Lily roll her eyes.

"And what about you and Rory?"

"What about us?" Casey chuckles, laying back on Lily's bed.


They walked over to Talia's house considering it wasn't far, but Casey was regretting the decision to wear boots.

Casey runs up to the house with Lily, leaving the others behind. "Y'all ready to party?!"


As they enter the house, it seems to be lively despite the tight space, and people are seen outside running around, and the ones inside are singing and dancing.

Casey spots a girl already staring at her, and she looks over to her friends.

"Hey, I'll see you guys in a bit."

Lily gags, noticing the girl to be Anna. Casey throws up her middle finger behind her back as she walks across the living room.

"ANNA!" She runs across the room, and grabs Anna's hand, shoving them into the nearest restroom. "Jesus, Casey!" She covers her mouth in shock, making Casey chuckle.

"Um..." She takes her eyes over Casey's costume. "What are you supposed to be?" Casey's jaw drops in shock. "I was gonna be a sexy pirate, but I decided to change it up a little. It's from Friday the 13th, you haven't seen it?"

"That's like a horror movie? Like the ones we sex to?" Casey nods. "You like horror, huh?" Casey nods, licking her lips.

"There's this uhh...old movie from the 30s. I did my research, apparently it's the first horror. I know it's weird, but apparently it's what Ghostface asked Rory before he gutted her." Her breathing becomes more shallow as she closes her eyes.

"It's not-" She takes a deep breath. "It's not scary, no blood from what I remember, but-" Anna watches in amusement at Casey's pleasure. "It makes me horny thinking about it." Her eyes open, and she gulps at Anna's hungry gaze.

"You wanna fuck or not?" Casey asks, making the taller girl smirk.


Rory and Kim sit on a loveseat, and there are other partygoers playing UNO with me. "UNO OUT!" The whole of the players groan, and Lily chuckles at Rory's exclamation. "Pay up!" She says, popping the "p".

Everyone takes out $1, and places it on the table for Rory to collect. "You too, Kim!" James points out with a smile, making his sister roll her eyes. "Oh, come on! I shower her with love and gifts. This dress costed forty bucks!"

Rory smiles, kissing her girlfriend on the lips. "BOOOO!" Some people on the circle say, making Rory flip them off.

"Yo, Lily!" The majority of the group looks behind to find an older man walking towards them. James groans, spotting Lily's much older ex, Nathaniel Rainer.

Unfortunately, Greg took after his brother excluding the preying on teenage girls of course. "What the fuck are you doing here, Nate? Shouldn't you be in college or maybe jail?" Kimberly asks.

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