The New Maid

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Bella Pov

My name Bella Valentine and I have been chosen from many maids to become the new phantomhive maid. I was so happy that I literally hugged my master. I quickly pack my bag. I only owned a little amount of close and 2 pair of shoes , no jewelry.

I take a quick nap on the way there. For some reason my body only needed a couple of minutes of sleep . If I got anymore I would be in a really bad mood. I soon arrived at the beautiful manor. I step out of the carriage and headed for the door with my descent sized bag.I knock on Theodore and wait only a few seconds before a handsome man with raven black hair and crimson red eyes. "Well hello I'm Sebastian Michaelis the butler of the phantomhive manor, may I ask who you are." He says in a charming voice. "Oh right I'm Bella Valentine, I'm the new maid."I said confident.

"Oh yes I'm very sorry Mrs Valentine Please come in, May I take your bag." He says reaching for your bag. "Oh no I'm fine but thank you and call me bella. "You said doddering his hand. "Let me show you too your room."he said walking towards some rooms. "The first one is bard and finny's room they also work here the one next to them is mey-rin the other maid, and the one at the end is mine , the one next to it will be yours."he said opening the door to my room. It was beautiful with blue wall paper and black carpet. "Looks lovely , my old room looked like a sewer compared to this."I giggled putting my bag by the bed. "Why thank you Bella, please change into your maid outfit and meet me out side."I began to walk out but I stopped him. "Could you help me, you know with the corset. "I said as he turned around.

"Why yes I can ."he said pulling out a cloth. I laughed" You don't have to put a blind fold on , I have nothing to hide."I said winking at Sebastian. "Oh well ok."he said as I began to take off my cloths. I look over when I was only in my under garments to see Sebastian eyes cash pink. That unusual, what is he hiding. I thought as he helped me with the corset. I finished getting ready and we stared to my new masters study. He knocks lightly and I heard a quite 'come in'. We walked in to see a little boy with blue hair and a eye patch. "Hello I'm earl Ciel phantomhive, you must be Bella. "He said sitting up. "Hello it's nice to meet you young master." I manage to say wile Sebastian stared at me.

"You are dismissed, Sebastian show her around the manor and show her the basics if being a phantomhive servant. " young master said with a small smirk. "Yes my Lord."Sebastian said bowing with a hand on his heart. We walk out too find a young women I assumed it was mey-rin carrying way to many dishes. She fell and I managed to catch all of then accept one I caught with my foot. "Hello I'm Bella you must be mey-rin."I said setting all the plates in the cabinet. "Oh I'm so sorry, yes
I am Mrs Bella. "She quickly getting up. "Its ok what are you afraid of."I ask wile she points to Sebastian. "Oh this big pussy cat isn't going to do anything now run along."I giggled as she quickly ran away.

"Well it seems that she is afraid of you, I don't know why you aren't scary. "I said walk ahead but suddenly I was pinned too the walk by Sebastian. "Are scared now." He whispered in my ear which made my heart explode. "Nope. "I mocked him. He chuckled "You are the most interesting human I've ever met. "He said leaning in. Then it hit me like a brick wall. He's a demon that makes perfect sense his eyes glow pink and he's so fast. I began to laugh. He gave me a confused look. I only smirked. "What's funny kitten." "He said seductively . "Oh nothing I just know what you are."I giggled. "And what would that be. "He looked as if he was going to jump my bones. "You are one hell if a butler." I teased.

~~~Time skip 2 weeks~~~

It's been two weeks and I only become more and more attracted to him. If only I knew if he felt the same.

Sebastian Pov

I can barely control my self around Bella. She's always teasing me. Her beautiful eyes and skin . I think I love her WAIT I CANT LOVE IM A DEMON or can I. But she would never feel the same . Could she? She would hate me if she figured our I was a demon.

Bella Pov

I was walking down the hall way it was night time so I was in a very revealing night with a small see through robe when I see Sebastian pacing back and forth. It's was quite a site and I couldn't help but tease. "Looks like the big bad demon is in distress. "I giggled as Sebastian turned and his eyes widen when he see's me leaning against the wall seductively. "How did you know. "He asked pinning me too the walk."it was clear you were a demon because you drop hints every were with those beautiful eyes."I said as he leaned closer and kissed me gently. I then pull his tie deepening our kiss.He soon broke away. He quickly walked in his room.I quietly knocked on the door. Sebastian opened it the tried to close it when he saw it was me. I put my leg in the opening slipping in quickly.

"What's wrong Sebastian ."I asked concerned. "Nothing please get out Bella." He said lying. "No your lying I know you Sebastian there's something wrong."I barked. "YOU WANNA KNOW WHATS WRONG ."he yelled at me. "YES!"I yelled getting his face. "I LOVE YOU THATS WHAT!" He yelled looking I'm eyes.

"SEBASTIAN YOU THINK I DONT LOVE YOU!"I yelled holding back tears. "IF YOU SAW MY TRUE FORM THAN YOU WOULD FEAR ME!"he fumed. I got right face to face with him than snapped" THAN SHOW ME I DONT FEAR YOU SEBASTIAN'!" He looked at me as if I was crazy. "Fine."he said as black feathers flew around the room. I could finally see Sebastian but it didn't look like him completely. I walked over to him I cupped his face" your beautiful Sebastian I love you ."I said as he changed back. I smiled at him. "Bella you are the most beautiful girl I've seen I want you to be mine. "He said hugging me. I whispered in his ear" I'm yours."

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