Love or Tragedy

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I was walking in the garden when I feel somone put their hand around my waist. "Oh hello Sebastian. "I chuckled. "How did you know it was me kitten." He whispered in my ear. "You are the only one who puts that much cologne. "I faked a gag. "Well my sweet we will have guests today their spending the night." He says rather irritated.

"Ok."I spat out. "I love you kitten." He says handing me the most beautiful black rose I've ever seen. "Aww I love you too."I said as somone knocked on the door. I put the rose in my hair. I opened the door to see a small blond boy and Claude. "Hello welcome to the phantomhive manor." I said letting them in. "Well hello Bella this is my young master Alois Trancy." Claude said bowing.

"You look very beautiful today."Claude said as I lead them to Ciels study. I blush at the sudden complement. "Why thank you Claude you don't look half bad your self." I giggled. I knocked on the door and not a second longer Sebastian opened the door. I let them walk in first. "Well Ciel you got your self a new doll." Alois chuckled. "Alois I didn't envite you here to talk about Bella." Ciel grunted.

I executed my self then walked to the kitchen. I start chopping vegetables for dinner when I feel hands rap around my waist. It wasn't Sebastian it was Claude. "Oh umm Claude what are you doing. " I asked turning to face him. "I'm sorry but you are so beautiful. "He chirped as Sebastian walked in seeing my hands on his chest pushing him away. "Claude she's mine. "I hear Sebastian growl as Claude backs away.

"Oh I'm so sorry." He said winking at me wile leaving. "Some temporary servants are competing over to help with the ball tonight. "Sebastian says walking up to you. "A ball seems fun." I giggled "you can go I'll take care of dinner."he says when I hear a knock at the door. I ran to the door too see a girl with white hair and a maid outfit. "Oh hello you most be the extra help."I said showing her inside. "Yes I'm Rose. "She smiled. I showed her the whole manor then I ran off too check on young master.

~~~Time skip to ball~~~

I was walking around getting people drinks and food. I couldn't find Sebastian nor Rose anywhere. I walked in the garden to see a man dressed in all white. "Why hello Bella." He smirked. "Um hello who are you." I asked playing with the rose Sebastian gave me. "I'm ash I came hear to warn you Sebastian doesn't love you." He said in a sad tone. "What your lying. "I snapped at him.

"If you don't believe me go too the kitchen." He said pointing to the kitchen. I ran over to the kitchen and quietly opened the door. I saw Sebastian pushing Rose against the counter kissing her. I dropped my rose before running out.

Sebastian looked over too the door to see the rose he gave Bella infront of it with a tear on it. Why did I kiss her I couldn't control my actions. He thought picking up the rose.

Bellas Pov still

I ran to my room and fell on my bed crying. "He was just playing with me, he never loved me."I sobbed in my blankets. "Sadly that is true."I turn to see ash at the end of my bed. "Thank you for telling me " I said crying. He got closer and rubbed my back. "Shh it's ok dear I most go but I'll visit." I ignored what he said and cried harder as he left. I hear the door open too see Sebastian. "GET OUT!!" I yelled at him but he ignored my comment and sat next to me as I bury my head in my knees.

"Bella I'm sorry I can expl-." I cut him off "There's no explanation Sebastian it was all just a game for you and I feel sorry for the next girl."I said getting up and walking out of the room and quickly entering a random room. I started crying again. "Why are you crying Bella." I hear Claude speak softly. "I-Its Se-Sebastian ."I said clutching his chest crying. "Why would anyone hurt such a beautiful flower as your self. "He said lifting me up and sitting down putting me in his lap. Only thing I did was cry until I realized I was in his room.

"I'm so sorry Claude I most get going."I said quickly getting up. I walked in the hall way until I reached the restroom. I walked in and started a bath for myself. I got in and let the burning water consume me. I felt the air leave me and replaced with scorching hot water. It still didn't match to the pain Sebastian caused me. I was pulled out by Alois. "ARE YOU CRAZY YOUR GOING TO KILL YOUR SELF." He shouts at me. "That's the point."I said quietly. He smirked wile I put a towel on.

"Please please come work form me I'll treat you better so would Claude, he wouldn't brake your heart." He smirked "that sounds lovely but I would have to think about. "I said as I got dressed behind a wall. "Please do." He sqeaks wile running out. I walk out seeing Sebastian come of a room. I try to walk past him but he grabs my wrist. "Bella please forgive me I love you. "He said sadly. I let a few tears escape "lier." I said quietly. "W-what ." He says in a hurt voice. "You heard me your a lier, I loved you for you and you just play with my heart. "I cried

"Bella please don't say that." He says letting a tear go. I jerk away and back up saying "And you know what the result was. It was you braking my heart." I turn around and ran to my room and locked the door. "Why Why Why. "I couldn't stop saying wile I slid to the ground pitting my back to the door. I feel somone else on the floor against the door on the other side. I knew it was Sebastian. I pit my hand to the door. I started to cry harder remembering all the wonderful times we've had together. "I love you Sebastian how could you do this to me." I said in between sobs.

Sebastian Pov

I lean against the door and put my hand on the door. I let a few tears out when I hear Bella sobbing against the door. I love you Bella.'I thought wile I listen to her consistent cry's.

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