Old friend

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Me and Sebastian were now a thing. I couldn't be more happy. I woke up quite early and quickly get dressed. I walk down to the ball room were there was open space. "This seems promising. "I said slipping off my flats. I then start to dance around the room and giggle like a little girl. I was dancing till I saw a piano and I quickly ran over towards it.

I sat down and played a very sad song for some reason. If anyone was in the room they probably be really sad. "Why such a sad song my lady. "The unfamiliar voice spiked sadly. I turn around and point a knife at him. "Who are you."I said getting up. He was dressed like a butler and had rather beautiful gold eyes but I didn't feel safe around him. "My apologies I'm Claude Faustus I was here visiting Sebastian. "He said bowing.

"Oh it's ok you just startled me a little." I said walking up to him. "I'm Bella Valentine. "I smiled putting a hand on my hip. "Do you dance Bella." He asked out of no were. "Yah I do would you like to dance."I said walking over to the record player. "Why yes I would love too." He said holding his hand out. I turned on a soft record and grabbed his hand. We danced across the room. "You are quite the dancer Bella. "He said pulling me close. "Why thank you not that bad your self. "I said as the record ended. "Well would you like me to walk you out. " I said opening the door for him.

"That would be great."he said stepping out. We walked outside when Sebastian came in front of us. "Oh hello Sebastian I was walking Claude out." I smiled pointing toward Claude. "Well it's great spending time with you Bella but I most go please visit the Trancy manor when ever you please." Claude said kissing my hand and walking away. "What did you too do." He said rather irritated that I spent time with Claude.

"Oh nothing just danced. "I said walking back in side but Sebastian grabbed my wrist. "Please be careful around him He is a sneaky spider. "He growled. "Ok, Ok I will come down I still love you. " I said kissing him. " I love you too kitten." He said kissing me back.

~~~Time skip to undertaker's place~~~

We arrived at undertaker shop and I was kinda carious of what was inside. "We are Herr young master." I hear Sebastian say as we pull up at the shop. "Alice you can stay here if you wish undertaker can be mildly unproper. "Sebastian says opening the door for Ciel. "No way I have too see this undertaker."I smiled and walked in. I see a man with long gray hair and long nails. "Oh hello who might you be. "He said walk up to me. "Oh I'm Bella Valentine nice to meet you."I smiled

He then came closer to me but Sebastian growled. "Don't worry I won't touch her I've had my eye on another girl , she's my knew employee HOPE COME HERE. "He yelled . I recognize that name but it couldn't be her. Then a girl walks out with long pinkesh gray hair as well. "Hope." I said running toward her. "Bella."She yelled hugging me. "Oh so you two know each other how wonderful. "The undertaker smiled. "Oh I'm sorry hope is my friend from when I was a child she helped me through my abususe as a child. "I stoped hugging her and stood up strait.

"Wile we talk you two go in the back and catch up."undertaker giggled. We ran to the back. "Omg that butler was starring at you a lot." Hope giggled. "Well his name is Sebastian and he's my boyfriend. " I giggled. "Oh your lucky no one likes me. " She poutted "well undertaker said he like you a lot. "I whispered in her ear. She shot up" really I like him too, you think we could."she whispered" one way too find out. " I said before calling for undertaker.

Undertaker came up too us and smiled. "Undertaker do you like me."hope blushed when she asked. "Why yes I do." He said slightly blushing. "I like you too."she whispered as I got up. Undertaker then grabbed her and kissed her."how sweet bye hope have fun." I giggled wile walking to the carriage. Sebastian opened the door for me. "Thank you." I giggled getting in the carriage. "What was that about."Sebastian asked. "Oh bothering you need to worry your pretty little head about. " I giggled wile petting Sebastian. "Do not tease me Bella." I whispered in my ear. "But that's the best part." I whispered seductively in his ear.


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