~A Broken Heart Fixed~

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Bella Pov

It was late at night when me and Sebastian got in another fight. I was staring out the window when I saw Rose talking to Ash. I decided to listen in on their conversation . Rose said" I did what you told me love, Sebastian and Bella are now fighting ,you know I love you not Sebastian" she said hugging" oh good my dear Bella will soon be mine." Ash mumbled as Rose walked back inside.

"I'll kill him tomorrow night at the ball." He chuckled . Sebastian and Ciel went out earlier too take care of a case and would be back tomorrow after the ball began. 'I'll have too warn Sebastian at the ball before he gets hurt.' I thought as I went to sleep.

~~~Time skip to ball~~~

I was worried all day but now it's the ball I have too find Sebastian. I walked around in my dark red dress with black lace trimming. I finally spot Sebastian outside but also ash flying above him. I quickly run to Sebastian pushing him out of the way . I fall to the ground feeling sharp pain in my stomach. I look down to my stomach to see a sword stabbed deep through my stomach.

"Sebastian please forgive me."I said reaching my hand to him. He runs over and picks me up as Rose comes out. "No Bella you can't leave me I love you." Sebastian says letting a tear out. "Shh I'm glad it was me and not you and I know it was rose not you I only hope you can forgive me." I smiled as I cupped his face. "Please I love you."He cried holding me to his chest. I then black out.

Rose Pov

I walked out to see Bella stabbed. Ash came up behind me" Oh my poor Bella I how I loved her."he sighs. "W-What I thought you loved me."I mumbled as he flew away. I walk up to Sebastian angers with Ash. "I know how to save her."I said as Sebastian held her close. "How I'll do anything. "He cried. "Bring her to her room I'll be up there with the stuff we need ,there's a open window so go that way.

Sebastian quickly jumps in her room as I collect demon candles and a demon spell book. I quickly get to her room and set up everything. "Now Sebastian read this spell then I need you to mark her as yours she will live if you do this." I cried a little.
Sebastian reads the spell as I fall to the ground. "What's wrong Rose. "Sebastian growled" since I helped you I'm now a fallen Angel stripped of my white wings and replaced with black dark wings." I mumbled.

"I'm done are you sure she'll live."Sebastian asked eagerly. "Yes." I said walking out. Sebastian came out behind me and held me to the wall by my throat. "You and ash planned this now I most kill you."Sebastian said aggressively. "Please ash doesn't care about me especially now that I'm a fallen Angel. "I yelp ."please let me live."I begged. "I will only let you live because my kitten wouldn't want to kill you." Sebastian sighed.

He then went back into Bella's room and I could hear him cry. 'I'm so sorry Bella." I thought as I went inform Ciel.  I found Ciel and shyly say" Bella has been hurt she will be up late tomorrow. " "What I want to sed her now." Ciel demanded I took him too her room and he ran in. "Sebastian will she live. "He asked frantic. "I can say for the first time I don't know."Sebastian cried.

Bella's Pov

I feel strong and I can smell somthing delicious. I then slowly open my eyes too find Rose,Ciel, and my love Sebastian arguing. "Really I rest for one moment and your all fighting."I said sitting up" Bella!"Sebastian says hugging me. "Sebastian can you ever forgive me." I begged hugging him.

"What are you talking about." Sebastian said petting my head. "I didn't believe you and I called you a lier, I love you Sebastian."I sighed. "No Bella I love you, it wasn't your fault."he reassured me before kissing me. "You too can save that for later but right now we need to deal with Rose." Ciel barked. I stood up and walked over to her. She stared at me in fear. "I say we give her another chance. "I smiled at her.

"Oh thank you Bella, you are so kind." Rose smiled. "No problem but if you cross me ever I'll brake your neck ,got it. "I snapped. She shook her head as I walked up to Sebastian" how am I alive?"I asked looking at my unharmed body. "Well Bella you see you are a.......

Cliff hanger I love it. Thank

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