Who Killed John?

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Oliver's POV>

Diggle and I exited the car, walking slowly up to the warehouse.

"I won't lie Oliver, this won't be easy. But you need to do it. Like you said- He's on your dad's list. You've already tried reasoning with him but he is too stubborn." Diggle said supportively putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I know. Thanks..." I mumbled. I inhaled deeply and walked in.


When I reached John's dungeon, my eyes widened at the scene. John was already dead but... His face, arms, legs, torso, and even neck was covered in stab marks and slices as if he'd been tortured.

"DIGGLE!" I shouted in my loudest voice and instantly heard his foot steps.

"What's wro-" He stopped mid sentence seeing the scene. "I thought you said you were gonna kill him- not that."

"I didn't do this." I said a bit shaky.

"Then I guess somebody else had something against Mr. Winchester here."

Dean's POV>

So Oliver shows up just to tell us to pack our bags then goes off pouting somewhere?! I was angry. I started the car engine and headed off towards the bar, ready for a fight.

"Dean, what happens if we get caught again?" Sam asked but I ignored him concentrating on the road.

"Seriously? Don't ignore me, I know you can hear me. I know your pissed but-"

"Pissed?! Sam, I'm far beyond pissed." I snapped.

"Well, I'm not and I don't think it's such a good idea to just burst in there, spare guns flaring." I sighed knowing he was probably right.

"Okay, fine. What do you suggest then?"

"Did you see how the hideout looked?" Sam asked.

"As much as I would've loved to check the place out, I was to busy getting tackled."

"No, listen. It was old and looked semi like a factory. We have to find another way in." Sam explained.

"Okay, but once in, what then?" I questioned taking the occasional look at him.

"We wing it?" I laughed.

"Like always."


*Timeskip to when they arrive*


Once we arrived at the bar, we split up. Sam went down around left and I went right. We searched for a maximum of 10 minutes before I found a door that seemed to be purposely hidden.

"Help me open this!" I called to Sam who ran over. We pulled on it till finally giving up. It wouldn't budge!

"Do you have a bobby pin?" I asked. Sam nodded and pulled one out of his pocket.

"Weird, I thought you'd pull it out of your hair." I teased chuckling.

"Shut up Dean." He scolded folding his arms. I picked it until I heard a small click and the door slowly creaked open.

Felicity's POV> ((YAYY!))

I sat at my computer, working as always. Oliver and Diggle had gone off to take care of some 'work.' I knew it wasn't going to be something I'd wanna hear about so I didn't ask questions. But then I heard voices. They seemed to be both middle aged men. It wouldn't of mattered much except for A) The bar was closed and B) They sounded very close to the hideout. I swallowed and went to investigate but then there was ramming on a small door that was in the far back. I was about to run upstairs when it stopped. I curiously walked up to the door when then again I heard someone picking the lock. I ran as fast as I could. I dove behind the nearest pile of old boxes and stayed down low and the door slowly creaked open.

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