Team Arrow and Team Free Will TEAM UP!

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Oliver's POV>

My eyes were stuck to the road. I didn't say anything to Diggle, or even look at him. He knew me well enough to not try to get me to say anything right now. When we arrived back at the bar, I just exited the car and walked straight into the building.

"Oliver! Thank god your alright!" I heard Felicity call. I didn't say anything but had an expressionless look. "Oh. He's in one of these moods again." She folded her arms.

"What mood?" I snapped.

"The mood where you get all childish and pout." Felicity explained rolling her eyes.

"I don't do that."

"Then what are you doing right now?" I gave a heavy sigh of annoyance and defeat and looked away. Suddenly, my phone rang and I instantly picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello? It's me- Lance! You've gotta help me with something!" Quentin's voice showed he was in some serious trouble.

"What's wrong detective?"

"Its the police station... Everyone's dead."

"I'll be there. Don't move." I hung up and quickly made my downstairs.

"What's wrong?" Felicity asked trailing close behind.

"There's a problem with the police station." I explained putting the hood on. I collected all my arrows and the bow and was off to the station.




When I arrived, I had a mixture of anger, sorrow, and disgust. Quentin was right; all of them were dead. Not just dead but mangled... Like John was. This meant bad.

"Thank you for coming..." I heard the detective say, but it wasn't to me. As I entered the destroyed station, there I saw Sam and Dean in suits pretending to be FBI agents!

"Oh, is this one of your friends?" Dean asked giving me a smug look.

"Y-Yes. This is... Well I don't really know his name." Quentin looked down.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you." Dean held out his hand for me to shake. It was obvious of what he was doing; acting as if we didn't know each other to save both our covers. I grabbed his hand and shook it aggressively.

"Yes. It is." I said giving my best smile; which wasn't very good. Quentin must of noticed the tension and coughed awkwardly.

"Right... Do you guys have any ideas?" He asked looking from the 'FBI' agents to me.

"Seems like a completely normal killing to me." Dean said.

"Wait... You think this wasn't normal?" I asked turning to Detective Lance.

"Well if by 'normal' you mean a human or even an animal that could do... This... Then no I don't consider this to be, 'normal.'" Quentin said crossing his arms.

"So what? Some supernatural did this?" I questioned scoffing.


Sam's POV>

I looked at Dean and Oliver shoot each other mean glares and all that went through my head was,

"These two idiots are gonna have to work together if they wanna get anything done."

Once we finished talking with the detective and were heading back to the Impala, I stopped Dean.

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