The Bar

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Sam's POV> ((Trying something new ;) ))

I look over to my brother, whose face is only rage. I felt a bit unsafe seeing how the Impala was speeding through the city.

"Dean! Slow down!" I shout over the roaring engine.

"They have dad, Sam! And we've figured out where their hiding out! I ain't slowing down for anyone!" He growled. I sighed, going along with it.

**Time skip to after they arrive**

"Stay close, keep your gun down, and don't go ahead of me." Dean whispered orderly. I nodded. I followed his slow and careful movements as we entered. To our surprise, it was just a bar. And even worse, a crowded bar. We both quickly shoved the guns away and stood up straight. "I wouldn't mind a drink." Dean said grinning.

"What about-" I was cut off by a man approaching us. He had dark hair and intense blue eyes. Also had a bit scruff.

"Hey, please no weapons in here. I don't wanna start a riot." He said friendly.

"Who the hell are you?" Dean asked staring him down.

"I'm Oliver, owner of this bar." Oliver said invitingly. "I'll take your guns if you want and put them in the storage area. Then, when you leave I'll give them back." Dean scanned the guy. "Or... You'll have to leave."

"Fine- Sammy." He began to pull his gun out and unloaded it handing it to Oliver. I did the same. I saw Dean shoot him a glare. "Just, one more thing. Could you say 'Arrow?'" Oliver cocked his head.

"Uh, Arrow...?" Dean nodded slowly. Oliver turned away and took our guns to the storage area. I turn to Dean.

"What was that?" I questioned.

"It's him- The Arrow guy we met." Dean said in a hushed tone.

"What?! How can you know for sure?"

"You see his face when I asked him to say arrow? He tried to hard to be emotionless. And what kinda bar takes your guns nicely? They'd kick your ass out right away!" Dean protested.

"Actually yea.. That does make sense." I said now thinking about it myself. "So, what's the plan?" I asked eagerly.

"I dunno, but we've gotta get our guns back." Dean was keeping his voice down. "Did you see where that Oliver guy went?"

"I think he went downstairs..."

"Cool. Come on."

*Small Time skip to when they make their way through the bar crowd, Dean stops for a drink, and now are at the basement door*

I watched impatiently, looking around and waiting while Dean sat lock picking the door.

"Dean. Are you almost done?!" I asked demandingly.

"Shhh Sammy! Just go out and keep watch." I sighed but followed the orders. Then Oliver approached me.

"Hey, where's your brother?" He asked.

"Somewhere among this crowd, probably at the bar." I lied hoping he'd buy it.

"And why are you just sitting around? Not the drinker?" God this guy was nosy.

"Uh yea. I'm not to into the whole, 'Drink 'till ya drop' like he is." I explained. "What about you? You the drinking type?" I asked trying to stall.

"Depends on the kinda day."

"I hear you." I agree laughing. A guy in the crowd yelled and Oliver turned his head to see what the commotions was. I took that opportunity to check on Dean. He waved at me making a motion saying he got it. I nodded and turned back. Ugh. Now I'd need a distraction. And then, I had a brilliant idea. Start a bar fight! I slid pass Oliver and to where the bartender was and found a guy who looked super wasted. He had a small ring around his finger. I leaned in a whispered, "Hey, you see that guy over there, he's the guy your wife cheated on you with." The man instantly stood up.

"HE DID WHAT?!?" The guy explained and pounced onto the man. Whoa.... Not what I expected but whatever. I then proceeded over to Oliver to tell him what was happening. He quickly made his way over to the fight and I slipped over to Dean and we entered the basement.



Okaaaay so I am SUPER sorry for not updating for that long! I kinda ran out of ideas *^* But don't worry I've got plenty now ;) I will try to update more often but I can't make any promises. But if you guys do have any ideas you want in the story, please comment them and I'll probably put them in!! (With noting you in the story as well of course!) But I really hope you guys like this chapter I tried to make it a little longer!! :3 Who knows what the next chapter will bring!! Ps: It'll be from Oliver's POV :D

ALSO! A: I edited a new sorry cover yayyyy!!! Lol!

B: I'm writing this at 12:00am so sorry if its a bit weird... And the reason I'm writing so late is because I got this idea while laying in bed >.<

C: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR VOTES/COMMENTS!! (Even if its a small amount it still means something to me :3)

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