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Deans POV>

"Dean!" Sam calls out to me and I stop drinking my beer and glance up at him. That tone... Something's wrong.

"What is it?" I ask eagerly.

"It's dad... He's- just listen." Sam explains throwing me his cell.

"What why-"

"Just listen." He repeats nodding towards the phone. I sigh as I listen to the message.

"Sam? It's dad. Dean's cell wasn't working. I- uh - loved taking you to poupskipsie. Remember the arrows. I'm saying goodbye... Tell your brother I love him."

The message ends. I stare down at the phone.

"Poupskipsie." We say in unison. "Track the call Sammy!" I yell.

"Already did. He's in Starling City."

"Let's go!" I leap to my feet and start out towards the Impala my heart racing.


"Where the hell are they?!" I scream as we stand in an empty, old, abandoned warehouse.

"I don't know, this the exact spot the phone call was made." Sam explains lowering his gun.

"Well, either you suck at tracking," I got a b*tch face for that comment. "Or somebody's messing with us." Suddenly, an arrow flew directly above our heads, like perfectly hitting the top hairs that stuck up. I spun around along with Sam but nobody was there.

"Hello?!" Sam calls, his voice echoing. "Whose there?!" He demands.

"Who are you?" A deep voice calls. It's hard to tell where from with the echoing.

"Sam and Dean Winchester," I explain holding my gun up and cocking it. "Your turn."

"I'm the Arrow," he says. A figure steps out of the shadows and walks closer to us. I notice he's wearing an all green hood and arrows slung over his shoulders, the bow in his right hand.

"Arrow," I whisper under my breath remembering dad's message. And by the look on Sam's face, I'd guess he's thinking the same.

"Where's our dad?" I ask glaring at 'The Arrow.'

"John Winchester is taken care of. He failed this city."

"What the hell does that mean? He doesn't even live here! How could he 'fail' your perfect little city?" I furrow my eyebrows utterly confused on what this guy was saying.

"Did you... Kill him?" Sam asked swallowing hard.

"He is not dead... For now." Arrow says expressionless as far as I can see. His hood covers his eyes and the darkness covers the rest of him.

"What are you? A demon?" I asked eager. Though not seeing his face, his body language showed he was a little but frightened by the term 'demon.'

"A demon? No such thing."

"Oh, but there is. That's what me, Sammy and John all do. Hunt those bad demons or ghosts or monsters to protect this friggin' earth. And we've gone through hell, literally, to keep it safe so we'd love to at least have something to help. Like, maybe giving us out dad back?" I snapped spewing out my words in an angered tone. As if not hearing anything I just ranted, a puff of smoke flashes in our faces causing us to cough. When it clears out, Arrow is gone. "Son of a b*tch!" U scream throwing my gun down and spinning in stupid circles hoping to see the masked maniac again.

But all I do find is dad's journal laying on the dirty, cement floor.


HEYYYY so I haven't updated in a while because nobody was reading but when actually it was just my iPod not notifying me that people were! Tysm to everyone!! Hopefully you liked this chapter!! (Side note: my writing style has changed so it may be a little different then before (: ) Next chapter will be Oliver's point of view :3 enjoyyyyyy :D (I'll update as soon as possible)

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