It was the Detective in the Station with his powers.... Plus a knife

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Deans POV>

I followed behind Oliver, in his stupid hood. I really hated this fact of working with them. He kidnapped John and some fucking demon killed him. On Oliver's watch. And where the hell are we gonna even go?! It took Sam and I days to figure it out. How was Oliver, a non hunter, so sure he'd find it in one? Whatever it was.

"Let's go back to the police station and get some clues there?" Diggle suggested, questionably.

"Sure. Why the hell not." I agreed snappishly and Sam gave me a stern look. I slid into the Impala ready to go, Sam doing the same. Oliver gave us confused looks. "Oh. See me and him can't just go over buildings so we usually drive around like civilized people." Oliver rolled his eyes but slid into the back seat of the impala along with Diggle.

~~~*Time Skip to Station*~~~

I pulled in around the back, so nobody would see us. I covered baby in leaves and twigs in a small tree line.

"What's with all that? Aren't you guys 'FBI agents'?" Oliver sneered crossing his arms.

"Well, today we're criminals sneaking into a crime scene; our jobs change. Should've seen us as Teddy Bear Doctors." I said smirking and saw Sam roll his eyes and Oliver give a confused look. "Inside joke." I stated and made my way into the back door. We searched around for a while, finding nothing really out of the ordinary until I saw something shinning by the cells. I scooped it up and read 'Head Detective.' "How the hell did we forget about him?!" I grumbled.

"Who?" Sam called from one of the storage rooms.

"That crazy detective who attacked us a few days back." I explained. Sam made the: 'ohhhhh' face.

"The detective?" Oliver questioned.

"Yeah, you know who the head detective of this place is?"

"Not by name, but I'd know his face if I saw it."

"That's good, we've gotta find this douche. I think he may be in some serious trouble." I said shoving the badge in my plaid shirt.

"More then serious trouble. Are you seeing this!?" Diggle said gesturing to the room full of bloody corpses.

"Not that kinda trouble..." I said looking over at the now two confused men. "There's sulfur all throughout this place. He's been possessed by a demon; a strong one." Oliver scoffed.

"A demon?! Are you two crazy?!" He shouted at us.

"I'm afraid their far more then crazy. Their the Winchesters." A voice boomed. We all whipped around to see the head detective, full of blood stains and a knife clutched in his right hand.

"Care to change your opinion hood boy?" I asked glancing over to Oliver who swallowed hard. The detective flashed his eyes black which made Oliver and Diggle jump. "Sam," I chucked him my keys. He nodded and started to edge 'Team Arrow' out the back door. The demon took a step forward to try and stop them but I blocked him, the specialized demon knife in hand.

"So? You wanna fight? I'll fight." He growled angrily. I took the first swing, jabbing the knife into his shoulder, causing him to cry out in pain. He instantly flung me across the room and I flew straight into the wall but it being unstable, I broke through. My vision became very blurry but I managed to stand up and get back into a fighting position. "You're still going? Why?" He sneered tilting his head crazily.

"The family business." I sneered back as I went in to try to get another stab, but he grabbed my wrist and twisted it until there was a cracking sound. Adrenaline and anger about John's death kicked in enough for me to squeeze out of his grasp. The detective kicked to to the ground and stomped hard on my stomach. I'm pretty sure he was about to kill me but then I heard Sam's voice echo from the other side of the entrance.

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