Dean VS Oliver

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Sam's POV> ((IK I said Dean's but whatever :3))

Once again, we were speeding our way through Starling City. I sighed. This was seriously our life now; saving people, hunting... Oliver. It never really occurred to me till now but we aren't on some big monster chase just fighting with a normal guy. Okay, the 'normal' part could be debated.

"You okay Sam?" Dean asked glancing away from the road for a second to look at me. I blinked out of my thoughts.

"Y-Yea. Just lost in thought."

"What about?"

"Just... Wasn't the point of being a hunter to hunt the supernatural? Not some crazy gang? I don't know about you but this kinda feels... Wrong." I explained.

"Ah come on. You know why we're doing this. For dad."

"Right; Team Dad. I get it but hasn't dad gotten out of these things before? Without us? Something feels off."

"You know what I think?" Dean asked raising his eyebrows a tad. I shrugged.


"I think that you think to much." Dean grinned at me.

"Oh haha." I said rolling my eyes. I leaned back in my chair again getting lost in my mind.

*Time skip to warehouse*


Dean's POV>

I stabbed my finger into Sam's arm. He groaned and slapped my arm away.

"Are you kidding me?" I said under my breath as I slammed my fists into the horn making it beep loudly. He jolted awake, eyes wide. "Rise and shine Sammy!" He shot a glare to me.

"Is that Oliver's car?" Sam questioned rubbing his eyes and pointing.

"Yes, it is. Come on." I gestured for him to follow me out and into the warehouse.

"And you just let them know we're here?" Sam was sitting up straight now.

"Yup..." He scoffed and we proceeded out of the car and inched towards the warehouse.

Oliver's POV> ((This will be very brief and then back to Dean's))

Diggle and I had been at the warehouse for at least 30 minutes. Well- Diggle was. I had gone off into the city searching for the Winchesters but found no sign of them.

"No signs of them anywhere Diggle." I huffed coming back through a window. Why? Because I could.

"Where could they be? I mean, did you check our hideout? The bar? Their motel?"

"Yes, yes, and triple yes." I said, annoyance obvious in my voice.

"Okay but-" Just then a loud horn sounded outside. "Is that who I think it is?" Diggle questioned glancing over at me.

"I'd guess yes. What should we do about John? Their gonna think it was us." I asked, my voice quick and rushed. But Diggle didn't have an answer. So I did what my gut first told me to do-wait and see.

Dean's POV>

Once inside the warehouse, I instantly felt tense. There were chills and the place was falling apart. I didn't get to see it much last time because it was pitch black. We both peeked down the dark stairway.

"Down there?" Sam asked. I nodded.

"Yup. Lets go." I checked my gun to make sure it was loaded and descended downstairs. I didn't hear anybody down there. It was just dark and gloomy.

"Maybe Felicity sent us in the wrong direction." Sam suggested.

"That would make the most sense... Lets just scope the place a out a bit more." I said walking further into the basement. I heard Sam sigh but also heard his footsteps showing he was following.

Later, I saw Oliver standing with his friend chatting about something. I held my gun up and walked straight into view of him.

"Okay, let's make this easy. Give us out dad, and I won't shoot you." I demanded. Oliver shifted around and shot a glance to Diggle. They were doing the thing Sam and I did sometimes, facial talking. "What?!"

"It's... Your dad is dead Dean." Oliver said expressionless. I froze.

"You lying sonofabitch!!" I screamed.

"I'm not lying. Go look." Oliver pointed at a door to his right. I slowly made my way into the room, Sam tagging behind. To my horror, Oliver wasn't lying.

"What the hell did you do?!?" I shouted, storming out of the room.

"He was like this when we got here." Oliver's voice was so calm.

"Oh right because I'll believe that!"

"Believe what you want! Just know-" His voice had risen but I didn't let him finish his sentence. I ran at him and tackled him, as he'd done to me twice before. I swung my fists at his face, and he then flipped me over his head and now was the one punching me. I head butted him directly on the nose. He groaned in pain. I saw Sam and Diggle trying to split us apart but Oliver and I kept at it until finally Diggle got a hold of Oliver and Sam got me.

"Chill out!! Both of you!" Sam shouted. I pushed out of his grasp and whipped my mouth, which was bleeding. We death glared each other.

"Come on Diggle, lets go." Oliver growled to his friend. They both turned away and headed out. I sat glaring at the exit for about 10 minutes before I spoke up.

"Let's give Dad the proper hunter memorial." I said looking sadly at the room which contained my dead father. Sam nodded and we both headed into the room.
I watched the fire go up and burn dad's body. I stared longingly into the flames, knowing that I'd get revenge on Oliver eventually. Even though something inside me knew Oliver didn't kill him, but I needed someone to blame.


Uh oh. Dean's very pissed *^* And Oliver is gonna get his butt whooped lol I dunno yet actually xD

Soooooo... I wasn't on track like I said I was... sorry for that long of a wait for an update I seriously ran out of ideas oops! But I feel super bad for it >.<

Who do you think killed John for real?? *dramatic music* lol

Also I'm pretty sure this story is coming to an end soon (I'm not 100% yet) But don't count on a sequel or anything like that. :)

Please favorite and comment suggestions (Plz anything) you'd like to see in this story (I'll give you credit for it) and next chapter will start off with somebody's POV! I'm not sure yet xD Hopefully this one will be out sooner :3

Byeeee~ <3

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