Prologue - Bringing The Cast

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In a vast space filled with white room there was a being who was sitting on a comfortable soft couch sipping on tea.

In a vast space filled with white room there was a being who was sitting on a comfortable soft couch sipping on tea

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"Aahh. It feels so good to drink in peace. That being said, it's nice to meet you readers. I'm happy that you took your time to visit me here." The figure said as he looked towards the reader's.

He then stood up as he made the couch and tea disappear as he bowed to them.

"I'm pretty sure that you already know, but I am GuardianLugia8. I have taken this form to give you entertainment and also for me as well. Though this is like the other world's (read: fanfictions) I sincerely hope you like it. Oh and you can just call me Lugia." GuardianLugia8 or Lugia said with a smile.

He then corrected his dress a bit and dusted himself before looking at the reader's with a smile.

"Well, why don't we get out guests or entertainers or entertainment. Whichever one you would like." Lugia said as he made a portal appear as he went inside it.

At Beacon

Team RWBY was currently making their way to their dorm room as they were talking with eachother.

"Ooohhh, I can't wait to eat my cookies." Ruby said with anticipation.

"Is cookies the only thing inside your head you dolt?" Weiss asked her with an exasperated tone.

"Hey let her have her fun Weisscream." Yang said to her.

"You have to study Yang, Miss Goodwitch did give you homework." Blake said to her.

Yang groaned when she heard that. They then talked as they reached their dorm room and opened it.


That was when the sound of cookies being eaten was heard as they all looked towards the source of the sound. They found Lugia who was sitting on Ruby's bed and eating cookies.The others were surprised of this sudden intruder so they looked at him with a surprised look.

"Mmmm. These are some nice cookies." Lugia said as he ate another cookie.

"My cookies!" Ruby wailed with tears in her eyes when she realised what he was doing.

"Alright you bastard, I don't know who you are but you're gonna pay for eating my sister's cookies!" Yang said with red eyes as her hair on fire.

(I think that is how her semblance works.)

"You have a lot of nerve breaking into my dorm room." Weiss said as she readied her rapier.

"Please stand down." Blake said as she readied her two blades.

Lugia just smiled and ate the rest of the cookies to Ruby's horror and Yang's anger.

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