Chapter 3 - Siegfrieds Sacrifice

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"A hero fulfilling his wish? Boring." Cinder said with a disinterested look.

"I'm not surprised by her behaviour." Qrow said in response.

"What kind of wish does he have?" Weiss asked him.

"Why don't you see it? Oh and before we begin there's still one more victi- I mean guest." Lugia said as he corrected himself.

The others though heard what he had said. That was when a portal was opened and the others heard screaming which sounded familiar for the Beacon students. Then to their surprise Cardin fell out of the portal and onto the ground.

"Cardin!" The students and teachers from Beacon said in unison.

"I've been falling for 30 minutes!" Cardin yelled out when he got his bearings.

"Yeah yeah, now get to your seat." Lugia said as he used his powers to place Cardin on a seat.

He was filled in on what was going on by professor Oobleck. After he had understood he just looked at Lugia.

"Well, let's start." Lugia said to them.

A forest was shown and in it a chubby man wearing military like clothing with golden hair was panting. In front of him was Oscar who wasn't breathing.

Oscar stopped breathing when he saw his unmoving body in the screen. The other good guys felt sympathy for him while the bad ones including Raven, Vernal and Adam except for Hazel felt nothing. Cardin asked who it was as Port explained to him.

Hazel looked at the boy with sympathy a he felt the boy was like his sister. Sienna and Ilia looked at the boy as while they do hate humans, they don't have that much of a grudge against children.

"What happened to him?" Jaune asked Lugia.

"He's in this state due to that man." Lugia answered him.

"That's despicable." Glynda said with narrowed eye's.

Most in the audience felt the same about it.

"Hey you, hey listen to me! Wake up!" Nora who was dressed in knightley armor ran past the man as she checked on Oscar.

"It's me!" Nora shouted when she saw that.

"Can't you say something without shouting!" Raven yelled in irritation.

"No!" Nora shouted back.

"It looks like Miss Valkyrie knows him." Ozpin said as he looked at the screen with narrowed eye's.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Nora apologized as she rubbed her face on his with a sad face.

Behind the chubby man, Nicholas Schnee who has long hair and no beard and moustache was in white armor while his chest was bare with glowing veins on it looked at the scene with a serious look.

"Father, it's you." Willow said as she recognised him.

"It seems that is my counterpart." Nicholas said as he looked on.

"You have a strange armor. And are those glowing veins on your chest?" Clover said as he looked at him.

Many women blushed when they saw the bare chest of the man.

"Interesting." Watts said with a curious gaze.

The chubby man felt his presence and turned to face him.

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