Chapter 4 - RWBY AU

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The screen started and showed a bar in the Vale.

"A bar." Winter asked dryly.

"Hmm, that's a good place to go for a drink." Qrow said as he saw the bar.

"Agreed." Roman said agreeing with him.

"Drunks." Winter said as she looked at the two with disgust.

"Just saying." Roman said with a shrug.

"He's not that bad is he?" Summer asked the others.

The others silence spoke volumes about what they thought.

A glass of wine was shown on a counter as a brown skinned hand grabbed it and lifted it up. Then it showed a boy with the same skin, amber eyes and brown hair drinking the wine.

(A/N : He looks like Ookurikara from Touken Ranbu.)

"Who's he?" Glynda asked confused as this was the first time she was seeing him.

"That's the boy who was sent to remnant by your god's." Lugia said to her.

"Doesn't seem much." Cardin said as he looked at the boy.

Salem was admittedly not happy at the mention of the brother gods as she exuded a dark aura around her

"Wait, sent to our world?" Ozpin asked confused.

"Yeah, he is actually from another world but he was sent here by the god's to put and end to your shadow war." Lugia said to them.

The others were surprised when they heard that. Salem was feeling irritated when she heard that.

"And why are they interfering like that?" Salem asked him.

"Meh, I haven't actually looked about that. Just know that he is a boy who was thrown into your war." He said to her.

The good guys felt a bit guilty about that while the bad guys were seeing him as a nuisance.

"But why is he at a bar?" Winter asked him.

"Lay off the kid will ya." Qrow said to her.

"He likes to drink wine. He has never drunk the other varieties of alcohol though. Now let's get on with the viewing." Lugia said to her.

That was when the new reporter from the channel talked about a Grimm attack. This caught the boy's attention as he stopped drinking and focused on it. The reporter said that a Grimm horde had appeared not too far from the city walls. The horde has appeared near a faunus village near the Kingdom of Vale which seemed to be about to be attacked.

"What!" The faunus in the group shouted.

"This is bad." Ozpin said with narrowed eyes.

"The hunters have to get there fast. A Grimm horde is no joke." Ironwood said with narrowed eyes.

The students and children were hoping the village will be safe. The villains except for Torchwick and Neo were smirking at the worry their Grimm were bringing. Raven and Vernal didn't care either way about what happened. The other adults except for Jacques were hoping for the villagers to come out unscathed.

The reporter wished for hunters to get there fast before the channel was changed. The boy blinked when he saw the channel changed. Then his ears picked up the chatter of two huntsmen sitting near him.

"Huh. Looks like they're in trouble." The first one said.

"Yep." The second one said in a carefree tone.

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