Chapter 43 - Stupidity always catches up to you one day

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I spent hours after my cousin's call just sipping on my whiskey and smoking cigarettes with extra filling. My hacker didn't find anything useful about the baby. He said most of the files were sealed. So, what else could I do? I will speak with Stella and Jully later, the same goes for the twins, I'm not in the mode to bring up the baby topic, yet.

I was drumming my fingers to the beat of the loud music outside of my office while sipping whiskey when I noticed that the music's vibrations had stopped. I checked the clock and saw that it wasn't even midnight yet. Something was wrong.

I swear if those fuckers broke the sound columns again, I will kill them all.

I sluggishly got up from my chair, with my cigarette in my mouth, and went to my office's door. When I started approaching the door, a lot of noise started registering in my brain, and my energy renewed itself.

Don't tell me the cops are here. That was the last motherfucking thing I needed!

I swung my door open with violence and started advancing to the balcony's railing, to see what the hell was going on on the ground floor.

A feminine voice screaming in perfect Italian at my men captured my attention. I kept advancing towards the railing, and, to my surprise, a petit blond girl who appeared younger than my twins was screaming at my men. I let my cigarette fall with the surprise, but I didn't let that detain me, my god damned warehouse sounded like a circus, and I was not going to stand for that.

"Che diavolo sta succedendo qui!? (What the hell is going on here?)." I yelled, demanding answers, but all I got were cowering men.

Just then the girl turned to face me, her cold icy blue eyes glaring at me as she took me in. Around her, everything was in chaos. Guns were drawn, my fighters, adrenalin junkies, and Diesel all came from the ring and stood at a corner of the room watching this shit show, things were broken, and bar stools were on the floor.

"And the prodigal father finally appears!" She exclaimed in perfect English.

The prodigal father... The prodigal father... Those words echoed heavily in my brain.

'Eu amo o papá. I love daddy. Io amo papà.′

'Oggi Vinico mi ha fatto uccidere un uomo. Aiutami papà, per favore. L'uomo era innocente. Vinicio mi ha fatto male davanti all'uomo, mi ha fatto piangere quando mi ha accoltellato. L'uomo che ho dovuto uccidere ha iniziato a piangere quando ha visto Vinico ferirmi, mi ha pregato di ucciderlo. Fa male papà, fallo smettere...' (Today Vinico made me kill a man. Help me, daddy, please. The man was innocent. Vinicio hurt me in front of the man, he made me cry when he stabbed me. The man I had to kill started crying when he saw Vinico hurt me, he begged me to kill him. It hurts daddy, make it stop...)

'Non credo più a mio padre. Oggi abbiamo sentito la sua moto, era qui. Anche Vinico si è spaventato di averci trovato, ma è andato via. Ti odio papà, ma non preoccuparti, porterò mia madre fuori di qui io stesso.' (I don't believe in my dad anymore. Today we heard his motorcycle, he was here. Even Vinico got scared that he may have found us, but he went away. I hate you dad but don't worry I'll get mom out of here myself.)

The words from the cell's walls kept coming back, mixing in my head and ringing in my ears.

Io amo papá... Aiutami papà, per favore. L'uomo era innocente... Ti odio papà! (I love daddy... Help me, daddy, please. The man was innocent... I hate you, dad!)

Non credo più a mio padre... Ti odio papà! (I don't believe in my dad anymore. I hate you, dad!)

"Hello, daddy dearest, are you here to finally join the party?" Her observation broke through the voices uttering Davina's words in my head. My body entered on autopilot, and all I could think about was 'I'm going crazy'. Voices in my head?

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