Chapter 21

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Lauren is right about one thing, her wine collection is incredible. The wine she had chosen for dinner was perfectly matched with the meat and I had to drink two full glasses before making it. She smiled at me and filled my glass, my heart missed a beat in front of her smile. I'm sure she wanted to get me drunk. Anyway, she could have done what she wanted with me. But when I asked her, she let me go upstairs to read, she left me alone for hours. Strange. She was so strange.

I fell asleep because of the wine. I fell asleep before she arrived in the room. When I wake up the next morning, she's nowhere. The room is dark, the sunlight arriving only during the afternoon due to the orientation of the house. Only a few rays can light up the walls slightly. My hands are tied to the feet of the bed with the same red rope as before. However, my ankles are free. My heart beats. What did she do to me?

Looking down at my body, by reflex, I see that I am always dressed in the same way as the day before. My underwear is still present, I can say that she didn't touch me at all. Why? Although this fact should have relieved me, this thought makes me panic. It's strange that she got me drunk and tied me up and then... nothing. I don't know if it's wanted or not but she didn't bother to wake me up for a reason I don't know?


I'm waiting for an answer, expecting it to be in the bathroom but nothing. The bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom. As soon as I realize it, my desire for pee increases. I drank too much wine last night and if she doesn't come to detach me quickly, I'll do it on myself. I scream a little louder, so that my voice reaches the bottom floor. Certainly, she would not have left me tied if it were to go to the bathroom.



I twist in all directions. Maybe my feet will be able to reach the knots this way. I can't escape even if she has disappeared. Maybe she has really disappeared. But where would she be?

Oh, shit.

My mind is concentrated for a moment. Yesterday, the only thing that prevented her from killing this man was the deal but today-

No, she won't.

Of course she would. She is a murderer.

"LAUREN!" I scream at full lungs, my dry throat burns me. I don't care.


I have to pee. Of course, I have to go to the bathroom, but more than that, I have to prevent her from killing a new person. If she left, she will surely be at the place where she found her next victim. When I think about it, I realize that I'm not afraid for her next victim. I'm afraid for her.

Where did she go? I dig my brain at the same time to twist my body, trying to reach the knots with my feet. She had said 100 kilometers, which means I have time if she left not long ago. But how could I know?

My toes touch the rope, I wrap them around the knot trying to loosen them. My neck folds at a strange angle and I have to pee, oh my god, I have to pee so much. I have to go out. My toes slip from the rope and throbbing pain passes through my abs. I'm almost crying. I try not to pee in this position. I can't let her do it. I can't let her kill him.

"LAUREN!" I'm screaming. My chest is starting to tighten. Not a panic attack. Not now.

"No." I say to myself, in a breath. "No, no, no, No!" Anxiety tightens my throat so hard that I feel like my throat is closing. I don't have my pills. If I had my pills, it would be fine. But no pills. No way to move, to sit down. My arms are stretched on every side of my body, I can't relax.

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