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september 1st
next day

i woke up to bryce playing with my hair and rubbing my back. he sent shivers down my spine, oh how this man makes me feel. he whispered softly into my ear.

bryce: y/n, my love it's time to wake up

y/n: i don't want to

bryce: princess it's time, it's 11:24 already

y/n: baby i don't want to, my legs hurt

bryce: i'm sorry my love

y/n: don't be it was worth it

bryce: i love you

y/n: if you love me can we lay here a little longer?

bryce: 10 minutes

y/n: i love you

he planted a kiss on my head and tightened his grip on my waist. he hummed quietly.

bryce: we really have to get up now, it's been 15 minutes

y/n: fineeeee

i got up and changed my shirt, and brushed out my hair. i decided i would do a chill day. i didn't do my makeup or hair really and i left my sweats on. i put on a black crop top and limped downstairs and into the kitchen where everyone else was.

kristian: what the fuck happened to you?

y/n: so kind of you

ace: why the fuck are you limping?

y/n: i'm not limping

kelsey: quit the bullshit

y/n: i'm perfectly fine, bryce don't i seem fine?

bryce: she seems normal to me...

mia & thomas: OH MY GOD EW

paige gasped, it now clicking in her head

jacob: what actually happened?

y/n: leg day

jack: you just woke up you didn't hit legs

y/n: who said that i didn't hit legs before i came down

paige: are you guys dumb....

kristian: oh, tweet that's a win

jacob, ace, & jack: i'm confused

mia: they had sex retards...


y/n: at least bryce gets pussy, im sure you have to jerk yourself off every night

everyone started laughing, and jacob was speechless

bryce: so what if we had sex, why is it such a big deal?

ace: cause we want y'all to date already so this is a step closer

y/n: you need a life if you're thinking about our relationship and us having sex on a daily basis

ace: i- no- what- fuck you

y/n: no thanks i got the dick i wanted last night

and with that i walked into the living room and sat on the couch, i could here all the laughter in the kitchen. not long after kelsey, mia and paige walked in and grabbed my arms and yanked me upstairs.

paige: tell us everything

mia: every fucking detail y/n, you know how it works

kelsey: this is gonna be good!

y/n: yes mam. so pretty much we walked upstairs after dinner. i had taken off my heels and was getting my skin care stuff and he wouldn't stop staring at me. i walked out of the bathroom and leaned on the doorway after my skin care and he sat up from the bed. his eyes glued to me. i walked over and he put his arms around my waist and buried his head into my boobs. i ran my fingers through his hair. then things got heated but we normally don't talk about that. we only talk about the beginning and end in detail. after we did it we laid next to each other for a bit then he ran a bath. we both sat in there for like 45 minutes and then he carried me to the room and got me clean cloths since my legs are fucking broken but yea that's it.


paige: ok so that's fun but what's the deal between you and him, dating or what

y/n: talking....i'm waiting for him to pop the question but i don't want to rush it. i'm ready but when he's ready he'll ask and i'm okay waiting for him, i love him.

kelsey: omg date already, yall are hella cute!

the girls and i talked for an hour or so about what's been going on lately...


author note:

i'm so sos sorry for the short chapter it's really late and i've got school tmr. i got caught up in watching to football game and then forgot to write a new chapter but then i felt bad that i didn't give you guys anew chapter so i wrote something short i promise i will have a chapter out tmr. it will be longer i think! goodnight, thank you for 1.6k reads!!!

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