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november 16th
next day

i woke up at 3am to use the bathroom. before i get out of bed i look over to the other side of the bed. bryce is no where to be found. i get up and use the bathroom. i walk back into the bedroom seeing his phone is still on his nightstand. i decide to look for him to make sure he's okay. i walk downstairs and check the whole bottom floor. he's not there. i open the front door and peek outside to see if he's out there. nope nowhere. i close the door and lock it, walking over to the back door. i look outside and i see a figure in the distance. bingo. he's sitting on the edge of the hill by the gym. i walk over and sit next to him.

y/n: bryce what are you doing out here?

bryce: i woke up a little while ago and i couldn't fall back asleep knowing that their gone

i put my arms around him, he leans his head on my chest while we look out into the distance.

y/n: i know it's hard i do but it's them starting a new chapter of life

bryce: i know i know i'm not upset anymore i'm just shocked they aren't going to be here anymore and that's what's a little sad but i'm still proud of them

y/n: i know i know but they'll always be your best friends

bryce: i know

he sighed deeply before making a confused face and looking at me.

bryce: why are you up? why are you out here?

y/n: i had to pee and then i wanted to make sure my boyfriend was ok

bryce: you didn't have to love

y/n: but i did and i'm glad i did cause you look relieved now and extremely tired why don't we get some sleep ?

bryce: this is why i love you you always know what to do and say

y/n: i love you too baby

he smiled before standing up and reaching his arms out. he grabbed my hands pulling me up. once i was up he snaked his arms around my waist and picked me up. i wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. he carried me upstairs and we fell asleep peacefully by each other's side.


authors note:

this is the second to last chapter i will be writing one more chapter and the book will be finished! thank you for 6k readssss

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