Amber: Part 2

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 As Amber waddled through the hallway toward the cafeteria, she noticed that the hallways were more of a mess than before. There were more obese students gorging themselves on massive sweets. There were also more students that were intimately feeding each other between lockers, and there were now food stains on the walls and large half eaten sweets strewn about the floor. As Amber watched the students feed each other, she bit her lip as the thought of Geoff feeding her crossed her mind again. It wasn't until she started drooling that she shook her fat face and regained her composure. "Geez, this place is becoming a haven for gluttonous pigs. Sadie would love it here." Amber muttered to herself quietly as she stuffed two chocolate bars into her maw.

"Hey Amber! Wait up!" a voice called from nearby. Amber turned herself around and saw another one of her friends, Daphne, bounding towards her. Daphne used to be a fit athlete with long orange hair who was a top member of the track team. Now all Amber saw moving towards her was a fat glutton with massive tree trunk thighs, large perky breasts, and a small but bouncing belly. She had to have weighed over 450 pounds! "*huff**huff* Hey Amber! Are you going to the cafeteria?" Daphne asked. "Yeah! You wanna join me for dessert?" Amber asked. "Yeah! I hear that cafeteria dessert is awesome! You get sooooo much dessert!" Daphne said. "Alright then, let's go!" Amber said.

Amber and Daphne waddled down the hallway towards the cafeteria, munching on chocolate bars by the handful as they did. Eventually they made it to the cafeteria door. "Weird, I was expecting a line coming out of the cafeteria." Amber said. "No, they changed how food gets served there. You'll see when we get in there. As long as there's an open table, there is absolutely no line." Daphne explained. Amber and Daphne entered the cafeteria. Inside, there were a multitude of large round tables surrounded by multiple reinforced steel chairs. In front of each chair was a little red token sitting on the table. Sitting at the tables were multiple obese students gorging themselves on all manner of desserts that were spread across the tables they were sitting at. Amber could also see robots moving about the cafeteria, holding plates of large decadent desserts. The mere sight of dessert caused Amber to drool at the mouth again. Amber and Daphne looked around for an empty table and plopped their wobbling asses down once they found one and waddled over to it.

"So how does this work exactly? I see robots with dessert. Do we call them over?" Amber asked. "Do you see that little token in front of you?" Daphne asked as she pointed to the red token that was placed in front of her. Amber looked down to find a token sitting in front of her too. "Yeah. So what is it for?" Amber asked. "So right now, the red side is facing up, which tells the robots that we don't want to be served. But if we flip it over like this..." Daphne flipped over her token " shows a green side, which tells the robots we want to be served. And they'll keep putting dessert on the table as long as we keep the green side up. It's like a brazilian steak house, except with endless dessert." Daphne explained. "MMM, endless dessert..." Daphne and Amber moaned. They looked at each other and laughed at their moaning in unison. "Ha ha ha! Anyway, shall we?" Daphne said. "Indeed. Let's. I'm very hungry!" Amber said.

Amber and Daphne flipped over the serving tokens in front of them to where the green side was facing up. Within seconds of doing so, a serving robot approached each of them. Daphne got a chocolate cake and Amber got a large plate piled high with chocolate ice cream sandwiches. Amber wasted no time and grabbed a couple ice cream sandwiches and shoved them into her maw. "MMM! YESH! It's so good! *gulp" Amber moaned. "I agree! *guzzle*" Daphne moaned with a mouthful of cake. The two girls kept forcing more sweets into their maws, bulking out with every bite. Within a couple minutes, the robots came back with more desserts. They placed them next to the sweets that Amber and Daphne were in the middle of scarfing down. "More! MORE! MOAR!" Amber moaned with her maw full of ice cream.

Within a few minutes, the entire table was covered in plates stacked high with various desserts. There were whole cakes, piles of cookies, tubs of ice cream, stacks of lard stuffed chocolate bars, and buckets of donut glaze and lard. At first Amber demolished one plate of dessert at a time, quickly emptying everything on it into her expanding belly before moving onto the next plate, but soon enough she lost what semblance of composure she had left and started burying her face in two plates at once or mixing the contents of two plates together. She took a tub of chocolate ice cream and emptied the entire tub onto a red velvet cake before burying her face in it. Daphne soon joined in on the fun and drenched a pile of frosted cookies in donut glaze before lifting the plate above her maw and draining the cookies into it. Both of them kept taking in more and more but never slowed down or flipped the token back over. "I..need *guzzle* *gulp* *munch* MOAR!" Amber demanded before shoving two more cakes directly into her maw.

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