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After Amber stormed out of the house, Sadie forced another two slabs of cake in her mouth. She had a multitude of plates covered with sweets in front of her on the dining room table. There were two white frosted cakes, three plates piled high with donuts, two bowls filled with various little chocolates, and a large bowl of frosting with chocolate chip cookies swimming inside. Sadie was an absolute glutton and ate as much as she could as fast she could. If one of her hands wasn't being used to force sweets into her mouth, then it was being used to grab sweets from the table. She also didn't focus on one plate at a time. She would cram multiple different sweets in her maw, filling her cheeks to their capacity before swallowing. Sadie took a gravy boat of melted frosting and drenched a plate of brownies before shoving the brownies in her maw. She forced a handful of donuts inside a cake before burying her face in the whole thing. "God I love sweets!" Sadie moaned with a mouthful of cake and donuts.

As Sadie devoured more and more sweets, Ella would come by with more dessert from the kitchen and quickly replace the sweets that Sadie devoured with more. "More donuts?" Ella asked Sadie. "Yes! Get me some more chocolate bars, and a couple more cakes!" Sadie demanded quickly. "Okay dear. Gimme just a moment." Ella said "Hurry! I'm losing out on precious eating time!" Sadie yelled. Sadie forced her hands into a bowl of frosting and started forcing globs of frosting into her maw. "GOD it's so good!" Sadie moaned in pleasure. Sadie's gluttonous display had already caused her to develop some bulk. Her face looked rounder. Her thighs and ass had taken up more space in the seat she was sitting in. Her boobs had grown slightly bigger, and her swollen belly, which rode up her shirt more and more, pushed against the dining room table. She now weighed 323 pounds and was still swelling with each dessert she forced into her maw.

Several filling servings later, Ella brought in a large plate of cookies for Sadie and placed it on the table. Sadie meanwhile was in the middle of swallowing a whole white cake. "Hey Sadie, I got an email talking about a free fast house upgrade. Apparently robots come by to expand and improve houses for free. I already upgraded Jasmine's room and I'll be expanding my room and Amber's rooms later today, but I wanted to know if you wanted to customize your room yourself." Ella proposed. "*gulp**BURRRP* Ugh, are there upgrades besides making the room bigger?" Sadie asked. "Uh..." Ella said as she checked her phone. "Yes! You can get a bigger bed, you can pad the room with cushions, and feeding implements?" Ella said as she read through. Sadie suddenly gasped. "FEEDING IMPLEMENTS?! AWESOME! Send me the link quickly!" Sadie exclaimed. "Sure dear! One sec." Ella said. She pressed a few buttons on her phone and forwarded the room upgrade link to Sadie's phone. Sadie quickly took out her phone and opened up the link. She wasted no time adding as many upgrades to her room order as possible. She ordered her room to be upgraded to 5000 square feet. The walls and floor will be lined with heated cushions. There will be multiple fridges and pantries installed inside the room. And multiple feeding tubes will be installed in the ceiling. The feeding tubes will be set to feed all manner of desserts, including pastries, candy, chocolate, steady streams of frosting, full fat milk, and multiple flavors of lard. "Wow, I didn't realize there were so many flavors of lard." Sadie thought to herself as she kept clicking more and more lard flavors.

"Well, I'm glad you're happy with your upgrades. I'm gonna take Jasmine to her room to show her all the new stuff I got her. You want another serving before I leave?" Ella asked. "Yeah, get me more cakes and a big pile of donuts. Oh, and a bowl of melted chocolate!" Sadie demanded. "Of course dear! Enjoy your cookies until then!" Ella said. She soon brought out five large cakes, a plate piled high with dozens of donuts drenched in glaze, and a large punch bowl filled to the brim with melted chocolate. "Is that enough dear?" Ella asked. "Yeah, just leave me to my food!" Sadie yelled. "Of course dear! Enjoy!" Ella said with glee. She soon walked away from the dining room table with Jasmine.

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